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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I was born in Cocoa Beach Florida. At an early age I got the bug to be in the spot lite and the center of attention. When I was 9 my mother and I moved to the Cherokee Indian Reservation in North Carolina. Since before I was born my mother was a singer and still is today. When She was pregnant with me she was on the road with her band at that time. And after I was born I was on the road with her traveling from gig to gig and thats how it was until I left home at the age of 16. I think that the fact that I was around so many out going and talented people who were in the spot light is the reason I am doing what I am today. The summer before my freshman year of High School I left my mothers care and tracked out on my own. Living with random friends and family. In 4 years I attended 5 different high schools in 5 different states. And due to this fact I barely graduated due to lack of credits. But I did indeed graduate out of Ohio. Before graduation I was unsure of where fate would take me. I had planned on going into the Navy and was going to take the SEAL challenge. But a friend of mine found a flier for the American Musical and Dramatic Academy. And he thought since I had gotten the lead in the school plays that this was the path I should take. I ended up getting a call from AMDA's New York office asking if I were available for an audition in Chicago. At the time I was working construction as a mason's assistant. So my boss and I made the trip to Chi town. And I have got to say I was quite unsure that I would get in since before this audition I had never done any thing like this before. As a matter of fact I had no clue to what a monologue was or even how long 16 bars was. And to top it all off I had no clue what would be a good monologue nor did I have a clue what a Broadway musical was. But luckily the dean of admissions suggested a few plays from which to chose the monologue, and informed me that on of my favorite songs of all time "Mack the Knife" was actually from the Three Penny Opera. A few weeks later I was informed that I had been accepted into the conservatory. I chose the Hollywood campus. I chose this campus mainly because I had recently met my long lost sister who resides in San Diego and had hopes of forming a relationship with her. I finished AMDA a half year early, so I could begin to hit the bricks and audition. The AMDA experience was great due to the AMAZING friends I made. Oh and I now have a plethora of musical theatre experience, and know exactly what both a monologue and 16 bars consist of. Through AMDA I acquired my first and current acting manager Julie Abrams who has in the year I've been with her, helped me get signed commercially with the Abrams Artists Agency. All in all I feel I am where I should be and that I am doing what I was meant to do and that is to entertain. Although my life was not all peaches and cream I feel the experiences I have had the people I have met and the choices I have made are what make up the person I am today and would not change one moment of my past. I look forward to my future and can only imagine what is in the cards for me. You can keep up with me with this site and the links listed nm2357029/

My Interests

MIND OF MENCIAclick this link to view me on MIND OF MENCIA DELUXECool Slide of on Set Pics!

I'd like to meet:

People in the industry who want to work with a trained passionate professional. Any one in the T.V. & Film industry.




ARTIST: DEADLEE SONG: GOOD SOLIDER II.. width="425" height="350" ..AMDA DRAMA SHOWCASE 06.. width="425" height="350" ..


A COMEDIC TAKE ON A SCENE FROM FLESH & BLOOD.. width="425" height="350" ..


Myspace Codes / Myspace Layouts My Mom. Even though we had our turbulent and trying times it takes a super hero to raise a child on her own, My Gran Gran the woman who has been with me through thick and thin.Christian Bale; I've been a fan since the 1st time I watched Newsies.Keanu Reeves; c'mon its KEEEAAANNUUU!Al Pacino; you have to ask?Robert De Niro; Really?Rob Thomas; Great voice great music.Dan Marino; GREATEST QUARTERBACK OF ALL TIME!

My Blog

Specs of Weight Watchers~

Hey every one! So I shot the Weight Watchers Commercial  yesterday! So here are the stats. I was a principal in a SAG National commercial. I got SAG Principal Pay and I was Taft Heartlied and am ...
Posted by Trevor on Wed, 21 Nov 2007 06:46:00 PST


Hello Fans!Camp Trout has some exciting news! I just heard news that I booked my 1st NATIONAL COMMERCIAL. It is for weight watchers. And I got this audition through my manger who origionally e-mailed ...
Posted by Trevor on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 04:39:00 PST


For the family& friends I will not get to see this Christmas you will get to see me! I booked and Filmed last Sunday a commercial for Wal-Mart That Will only be playing on NIGH @ NIGHT It's a 3 pa...
Posted by Trevor on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 02:09:00 PST


This is a webseries that will hopefully be made into a movie after it gets a cult following on the WWW. I submitted to this role and ended up getting the audition from my manager. It was a late night ...
Posted by Trevor on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:49:00 PST

DUST-(SAG Short)

Yes Dust, It's a SAG short film  Directed by Marcus Dreeke. That I booked while I was In Ohio for my grandma's 80th birthday in Late June. Before I left L.A. Sherrie Henderson of Dream Big castin...
Posted by Trevor on Tue, 23 Oct 2007 01:22:00 PST


The Following are reviews from my Preformance in a recent Showcase.Tracy Britton / Director:"Loved him to pieces!  Great comedian & totally 100% committed & cute to boot!  He's like ...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 04:42:00 PST

Know the 2 "E"s and 3 "I"s of Acting

1. Know the 2 "E"s and 3 "I"s of ActingRuth Kulerman Recently we have addressed several practical and very necessaryprofessional subjects, such as paying to be heard, the use ofpostcards, memorizing, ...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 02:03:00 PST

Essential Tips on Paying to be Heard

1. 7 Essential Tips on Paying to be Heardby Ruth Kulerman Today we discuss one of the most important questions facing manyactors: should you pay money to take a "seminar" to be heard byagents and cast...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 12:55:00 PST

Voice Overs

1. Welcome If acting work is slow for you right now, you might want to considervoice-over work, a great way to supplement your acting income.I asked Dan Balestrero - the voice-over expert - to share s...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:41:00 PST

Secret to Show Biz Success

1. The Secret to Show Biz SuccessRuth Kulerman First I want to thank you for your lovely and encouraging notes and comments. Yes, Chad does indeed forward them to me. This article is really eavesdrop...
Posted by Trevor on Thu, 08 Feb 2007 01:38:00 PST