DEPART-ment of high ideals, whose feathers may singe and waxes melt for heights risen to yet unattained! we sally, steeled for this trail, forever-more!
superfluous verbiage aside, welcome. this DEPART-ment of which we speak has hopes for this, a new world of micro-manufacturing. some call it crafting, others refer to an apartment industry, but in the end we all strive to provide our fellow folk with beautiful, handmade fetishes of bold beauty, ranging wide in diversity and hoping to fill every nook or otherwise cranny, your every need and want with alternatives to those mass manufactured. our patented presentation, central checkout for an economy of time saved when you can browse through goods arranged by their categories and not vendor tables. the tired, good natured home manufacturing vendors unbound from their seats and free to walk, nay, swagger the floor, meeting fine buyers and kindred sellers by their leave. perhaps you've this swagger in you? we've a home for wandering vendors, drop us a line.
when DEPART-ment is near, when you spot this opportunity manifest, please feel free to stalk it to its lair, steal its crown and partake of the bounty it then finds itself duty bound to provide you, objects of fetish whose sole purpose is to elicit the simplest of pleasures.
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