I would like to meet anyone who has an interest in artwork. I would like to meet fellow artists. I would like to meet people who like my art. I would even like to meet the people who don't. I am up for meaningful conversations and artistic creativity.
Julianne Bernard was born and raised on the cliffs of southern California. Inspired and drawn to nature her work tends to have an earthy feel. More of an expressionistic painter, her artwork combines bold displays of color and elements of nature. Also inspired of things of the winged variety a lot of her work involves butterfly wings. Those close to her know she is a little obsessive when it comes to these winged creatures.Julianne has called many places home, and thus moved across the country 3 times. In order to fund these moves her artwork is sold. So at each new location a new body of work is created.Currently she has been creating a series of florals. Each floral set has a few paintings in the same color theme but different flowers.She has also been creating a series of "Butterfly Koi." In this series outlined koi fish are given exaggerated fins allowing for butterfly wings to be painted inside them.More winged creations are in the early stages of development.She paints on a daily basis so check back often to see the latest creations!
The inspirational works of Paulo Coelho. Various authors of poetry but favoring Edgar Allen Poe. The intriguing works of Carlos Castaneda. many, many more...
Anyone who dares to enrich lives, create beauty, and live each day fully.