Comedy of all shapes and sizes and colours and tastes, books in all forms, even those ones printed on the backs of rice grains, actually, especially those ones. I love music, me. Writing, singing, dancing, having the odd booze or six, smoking badly-rolled fags, spilling ink on my friend's white leather sofa that time I was fourteen but it wasn't me, honest.
Silly buggers, complete show-offs, those with intelligence, humour and a love of art. And little dinosaurs.I add bands I like, too. If you think I'll like you (really think I'll like you- look at the bands I listen to), add me if you want.
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Brazil, Apocalypse Now, Leon, The Red Violin, Fight Club, The Pianist, Monty Python- Holy Grail, Life of Brian and the Meaning of Life, The Rutles- All You Need is Cash, The Spongers (a play for today), Shaun of the Dead, A Fish Called Wanda, Jabberwocky, Withnail and I, How To Get Ahead in Advertising and again, I'm bored listing stuff.
See "television".
Sisters and brother, who are excellent.