Shinri profile picture



About Me

French bio :

Shinri Tee Scott, née d'une mère hollandaise et d'un père nigérian, est une chanteuse à la voix chaude, grave et puissante. Sa musique est à l'image de sa mixité, riche et généreuse. Auteur et compositrice, Shinri interprète ses propres morceaux dont l'atout majeur est l'association d'une ligne mélodique forte, qui marque, et d'un rythme percutant.
Sa diversité culturelle l'a amenée à défricher tous les terrains du folk, du funk, du rap ou du reggae, mais son atout essentiel, est sans doute d'apporter une véritable originalité en même temps qu'une homogénéité à tous ces courants musicaux qui ont façonné la chanson ou le rock actuel.
Sur scène comme à travers ses enregistrements, elle fascine son public. Grande jeune femme au charisme indéniable, elle s'accompagne la plupart du temps d'une guitare électroacoustique, qu'elle chante seule, ou avec son groupe.
Autodidacte de formation, c'est sur la scène underground londonienne qu'elle fait l'apprentissage de la musique. Elle restera toujours fidèle à l'esprit de sa musique qu'elle défend avec autant d'énergie qu'elle chante. Shinri est aujourd'hui entourée d'une pléiade de musiciens, composée d'un noyau rythmique solide auquel peuvent s'adjoindre des choeurs, des cuivres et des percussions.
Elle continue son combat pour le droit à l'expression d'artistes aux textes inspirés, engagés.
Like it says further down the page... need to get this shit out man!!! So, below an extract of Shinri's TRANSIT (dvd)
For more of my music clips go Here or Here or Here
envoyé par la_bande_originale
It has been brought to my attention by friends and fans that I should display and sell my albums on the internet. Well in response I have downloaded all my album covers into a slideshow left of the page. Since 1998 I have produced 9 albums, of which one is a compilation album with songs from my first 6 albums and in accociation with BAAFprod , I have produced a 40min artistic documentary for DVD featuring myself. Shot and directed by Eniatnof with Andy Dorman as technician.
I could say all the work was done by me in that I have never had a recording contract and only since recent have I declared my songwriting to the sacem. The sacem is the european copyright agent for those who don't know.
I could say that I have done this alone in that I didn't have the shelter of a family house nor any financial backing as both my parents unfortunately or perhaps fortunately haven't got a penny to their name. I say fortunately because having had nothing stable, and still without stable income, has forced myself and my team also, to think and act in enriching and positive ways, the type of which the comfortable mind can never imagine. And seeing that our product is music we have always took the starting point to be people that make music or other such things... :)
I have done all the work alone in that I have always found a way to sponsor my various projects, in that I have always managed to befriend incredibly talented people... such as fine artists, virtuoso musicians and virtuoso technicians, cooks. We have lived thru the realisation of all this work as a family, sharing beds, food, showers, clothes, equipment, space, knowledge and love. I must say I have done most the cleaning and a long long lot of driving sofar...
To buy my cd's you must make a cheque payable to BAAFprod ,
And send it to
61 blvd de la Corniche
17132 Meschers
Each CD/DVD costs €10.00 (Ten Euro) + €3.00 Post and Packaging*
*€5.00 outside Europe
For any questions regarding the contents or duration or buying of a Shinri Album please contact [email protected] and not me here :)
So there it is! I hope that answers most questions. And why didn't I do that sooner? Well I spend all my time writing songs, exchanging knowledge and living.
Cliquez for sHINRI & THE mediator, tHE sTORY...

My Interests


Member Since: 3/17/2005
Band Website:
Band Members: Click here to know about the MEDIATOR
Influences: If you're really interested in what influences me other everything I see, touch, smell, hear, taste, dream, love, fear, think, live... thus experience then click here...


Sounds Like: Photos : ©marianne touchard-heyman

Below, slide show of Shinri's available albums...

Photos de Shinri en concert au Polichinelle :
photographe :

Photos : ©marianne touchard-heyman

Record Label:
Type of Label: None

My Blog

london going paris

paris makes you feel poor i mean they really have to rub it in on all levels but it can be confusing cause in the pubs in london all the smelly bums are smelly bums but here they are all loaded ...
Posted by Shinri on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 11:50:00 PST

My OWN Concert Rugged Review

my was great, half the audience was singing with me and two flutist joined, sybilla and amos and a percussionist, solomon and a guitarist, jerome and etel who kind of conducted  it a...
Posted by Shinri on Tue, 29 Apr 2008 12:08:00 PST

oh lala

here we go againjust want everyone to know that i love playing in barsi always willand i always havexxspan.jajahWrapper { font-size:1em; color:B11196; text-decoration:underline; } a.jajahLink { color:...
Posted by Shinri on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 03:54:00 PST

mc blings talking MERDE sur toutes les chaines français REVISED

WHY IS IT???that i am feeling sososo sickby mc blings bullshiteand the french just let him splutter this inconsistent purposely incorrect unpoetic mindfuck parolethey let him whilst they do nothingso ...
Posted by Shinri on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 05:14:00 PST

so whos mc bling

alors i have had many  people ask me who mc bling isi guess if you have better things to do than follow the filfthy politics of the worldor if you're not frenchor boththenmc stands for marie de c...
Posted by Shinri on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 03:19:00 PST

mc blings talking MERDE sur toutes les chaines français

is it cause i studied economicsis it cause i'm mixed raceis it cause i am an artistis it cause i am a womanis it cause i am inteligentis it cause i have loveis it cause i took a hard roador is it simp...
Posted by Shinri on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 12:54:00 PST

This time really... ROCK n ROLL aint DEAD!!!!

Posted by Shinri on Wed, 05 Mar 2008 05:16:00 PST

It aint April Fools.. Its the New Year

so happy new year everyone :) i celebrate it now, the 1st of april i mean all financial years run april to april economic years go april to april even music busines years and silly us the little folk ...
Posted by Shinri on Tue, 01 Apr 2008 02:40:00 PST

why do they want us to stop smoking

does anyone have any theory??? as to why they are trying to get people to stop smoking? it can't be for health reasons, they don't give a shit bout our health and there are many things far more unheal...
Posted by Shinri on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 09:47:00 PST

drummer wanted

If you can't do as below... don't bother!! haha ...
Posted by Shinri on Sun, 18 Nov 2007 10:12:00 PST