About Me

That is me, you, us... We are the ugliness dripping down the sides
of walls in every town, in every city. We are what spoils what
they see as clean, pure beauty... But we don't spoil it... We
are here to enhance... Need truth to find lies... Need evil to bring
out good... We are what you look upon with furrowed brow or a
forgiving smile... Yet we make no excuses for ourselves...
It is not the truth, it is our truth. My words are my truth, your
words are yours... Need to combine these in order to achieve a
higher, purer form of truth... Worldly truth vs absolute truth... When
you have a thought it is a very abstract concept, then you write
it down, try to formulate it and it starts becoming more real. But
only when you share it with somebody else is it made manifest...
This is what we are doing... It is about making other people see
our point of view though all we ask for is a bit of understanding...
You do not need to agree with us or believe in the same things...
In fact, the world would be a boring place if everyone believed in
the same things... But just wish people were more prepared to listen...
And therein lies the problem. And that is why so many wars have
been fought in so many names. The fault is to believe there is
only one universal truth... This is of course not so... Countless
wars could have been avoided alone by understanding, empathy.
Be prepared to die for your own beliefs. Sure. Yes. but don't kill
other people in the name of it... Or better yet; there should be no
need to die for it at all... Truth is ephemeral, it is everchanging...
This is what laws and politics fail to understand because their
premises is founded on false foundations; based on the fact
that things, truths and morals, stay static. True they try to change
and adapt with time but they are hopelessly decayed and can't
keep up... We live in a new time... We need a new system... Need to
change the format... We change... So should the physical form to
conform with our new shape...

My Interests

Finally the next issue of VOMIT in the MAINSTREAM 'Faith & Spirituality' is gonna hot the streets next weekend Saturday 27th Oct!! And what an issue it shall be! Bigger and better than ever with more pages and more contributors including submission from the legendary IRA COHEN! Launch shall be in the AMAZING Halloween special in the 4000 sq. ft. Where?house in Tottenham Hale - 9pm - 5am! Only £3 entry including FREE copy of the zine! For directions to venue, acts performing and times etc. please see flyer attached!Also shall be my bday on the 28th Oct so gonna be a triple-whammy celebration as also HALLOWEEN of course!So join the VOMIT circus once again and dress your ghoulish hellish deadly best!Karina x

I'd like to meet:

Writers, illustrators, photographers, thinkers, doers, creative indivuals with a brain, and more importantly a conscience.table table table table a img{}table table table table a:hover img{}body{scrollbar-arrow-color:000000;scrollbar-Track-Color :000000;scrollbar-Highlight-Color:000000;scrollbar-base-colo r:000000;scrollbar-Face-Color:000000;scrollbar-Shadow-Color: 000000;scrollbar-DarkShadow-Color:000000


The day has finally come...

"This is a snakeskin jacket! And for me it's a symbol of my individuality, and my belief in personal freedom."


ICA, The Mall, London SW1
ROUGH TRADE, 16 Neals Yard, WC2
ROUGH TRADE, 130 Talbot Rd, W11
NOG, 182 Brick Lane, London E1
CITY 16, 47 Charlotte Rd, London EC2A
ARTWORDBOOKSHOP, 17 Pitfield St, London N1
OPEN, 144 linden ave. Los Angeles, CA 90802,

My Blog

The Psychedelic Rantings of Ganesh Baba | IRA COHEN

Recorded at the Kumbha Mela, Allahabad, January 1977. Dictated to SIMON VINKENOOG by IRA COHEN, Amsterdam  August 1977  and used to inspire the Amsterdam Poet's Circus and its audiences. BEWARE OF T...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:36:00 PST

Kathmandu Dream Piece | IRA COHEN

Trying to describe Kathmandu is like making a cross-section of sky and clouds, indefinable as the mysterious blue which hovers above our ancient memories, everchanging as the cloudforms advancing over...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:36:00 PST

VOMIT @ Stick*Stamp*Fly gasworks gallery!

Stick*Stamp*Fly10th August 2007 - 26th August 2007Opening tonight and magazine and books shall be available for sale in the book shop throughout the exhibition.Karina xStick*Stamp*Fly looks into poste...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 04:57:00 PST


VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM Shall be having a stall at this event! Come down and say hello! Will be a blast! Finger's crossed no rain!Karina xP.S. Keep those 'Faith & Spirituality' contributions coming in...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 11:40:00 PST

Dear War Child...

DEAR WAR CHILDDear war child, What can I say to thee? What remains of thee? Is there any humanity left? Can your soul be spared? Can it be saved? Can I confess my guilt to thee? Will any apologies he...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Wed, 17 Jan 2007 01:27:00 PST

ENGINES CALLING MOUNTAINS (the clarity of heartbreak)

Blue skies of perfect lost purityPouring in alleyways and Engines calling mountainsThe gate of dawnSwallowingThe clarity of heart breakThe street moansLoaded with strength, Darkness descendsThe grime ...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 06:25:00 PST

Want a new winter coat?

The only major hunt anywhere in the world to target young animals as harp seals are only protected until they shed their white coats at about 12 days of age so many are killed when they are between 12...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Wed, 08 Nov 2006 04:39:00 PST

The fluoride deception...

I am baffled and distraught to say the least when time upon time again watching selfish, greedy humans deceiving, lying, conniving, burying truths, shoving false information in our faces all in the in...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST

My Petticoat Junction @ Vomit In The Mainstream! | Heather Jones

What friends are for... My friend Heather's account of the last VOMIT launch... And pictures of her on guy Fawkes night 5th Nov. 2006...Had another great night out with Lois - Red Petticoat Junction a...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 03:48:00 PST

The Origins of Love

..>..>..>..>When the earth was still flatAnd the clouds made of fireAnd mountains stretched up to the skySometimes higherFolks roamed the earthLike big rolling kegsThey had two sets of armsThey had tw...
Posted by VOMIT IN THE MAINSTREAM on Mon, 06 Nov 2006 02:42:00 PST