aron profile picture


Servus! Hello! Hola!

About Me

Recent News

1. The Interests links to the left ( in white ) should all work now. Enjoy! :—)

2. Of late I've been keeping a LiveJournal poetry page,
if you care to take a peek.

All my best to ya!

_______________________________(Press Play!)______________________________ (A-dam!)

My Interests

Writing, Theatre, People, Traveling, Freedom, Life, Truth, The 20th century, Home movies, Food, Art

I'd like to meet:

People who like leaving things better than they found them.


I like an array of musical genres. Send me stuff and I'll give it a listen.

FM4 Austria
WNYC NY Public Radio
KUSF San Francisco
BBC Radio 1


Kubrick, Hitchcock, Lean,
C.B. Demille, Scorsese,
E. Kazan, Fellini, Godard, Truffaut, S. Eisenstein,
O. Welles, B. Wilder,
von Trier, W. Herzog,
D. Lynch, Kieslowski, Keaton, Chaplin, Bergman,
F.F. Coppola, Kurosawa,
A. Lee, S. Lee, Spielberg,
R. Altman, J. & E. Coen,
M. Forman, J. Jarmusch, Polanski, Kusturica,
J. Waters, W. Allen,
C. Eastwood, De Palma, Tarantino, & Zeffirelli
Below are some online films/docs worth seeing:
1. The Third Man
2. Dear America —
3. The Century of the Self
4. Power of Nightmares
5. Obsession
6. The Root of All Evil?
7. Root of All Evil Discuss.
8. Who Wrote the Bible?
9. Jesus of Nazareth Pt.1
10. Jesus of Nazareth Pt.2
11. Rashomon
12. Kurt & Courtney
13. The Life of the Buddha
14. Prophet Mohammed
15. Lost Temples of India
16. Phantom of the Opera
17. B. Keaton: One Week
18. Charlie Chaplin Fest.
19. Pope John Paul II
20. The War Game
21. Hendrix at Woodstock 22. Yellow Submarine
23. WWII in Color
24. UFO's Investigated
25. Death & Taxes
26. Slavery: Global
27. Rita Moreno Interview
28. Black Panther Party
29. Great Train Robbery
30. Play Ball w/ Babe Ruth
31. MLK: "I Have a Dream"
32. U.S. vs. John Lennon
33. Farenheit 9/11
34. Bowling for Columbine
35. Carl Sagan Interview
36. Glob. Warming Swindle
37. Kintaro Walks Japan
38. Brainman
39. Hitler's Private World
40. Holocaust Doc. (UK)
41. Schindler's List
42. Ghandi
43. Conversations w/ God 44. The Three Stooges
45. 9/11
46. Nosferatu
47. Hitchcock Film I
48. Hitchcock Film II
49. Hitchcock Film III
50. Hitchcock Film IV
51. Hitchcock Film V
52. More classic films
53. Scenes from movies
54. Other online films


I tend to channel surf,
though I have watched Charlie Rose, Family Guy,
and Six Feet Under.

Inside the Actors Studio
is also pretty good...

(I stumbled onto an interview with Chappelle once, and another show
with Al Pacino).


No e-book or e-text can beat the tactile pleasure
of flipping through pages.
But in short spurts, online reading can be fun...
The writers/texts below are worth a glance:
Tolstoy, Dostoevsky,
Notes from Underground
Plato, Chekhov, Gogol,
Apology, Dead Souls
Hemingway, Crane, King,
The Sun Also Rises
Poe, J. London, Orwell,
The Call of the Wild, 1984
Hesse, Huxley, W. James,
Siddhartha, Br. New World
Twain, Kafka, Lawrence,
Lady Chatterley's Lover
??, Kerouac, Bukowski
The Genius of the Crowd
Rilke, Dickinson, Blake,
Letters to a Young Poet
Keats, Wilde, Whitman,
Ode to a Nightingale
Emerson, Wordsworth,
S.-Reliance, The Dungeon
Yeats, Berryman, Plath,
Leda and the Swan, Daddy
E.E. Cummings, Williams,
The Red Wheelbarrow
Neruda, Ginsberg, Lorca,
Veinte poemas de amor...
Johnson, Brooks, Knight,
The Idea of Ancestry
L. Hughes, Angelou, Owen,
Night Funeral in Harlem
Thomas, Frost, T.S. Eliot,
Do Not Go Gentle into...
Dante, Rumi, Goethe, ??,
Love is the Master
Shakespeare, The Bible,
Hamlet, Song of Solomon
Other writers/texts


All of us?

Every day above ground
is a heroic day. It's up to
us I suppose to live each day heroically.

My Blog

Learning German Through Fairy Tales

Learing German Through Fairy Tales
Posted by aron on Thu, 10 May 2007 07:20:00 PST

Eugene O'Neill eText Archive

O'Neill's BioeText Archive...
Posted by aron on Tue, 08 May 2007 05:00:00 PST

Universal Newsreel Films

"In the pre-TV era, people saw the news every week in their neighborhood movie theaters. Newsreels were shown before every feature film and in dedicated newsreel theaters located in large cities. Uni...
Posted by aron on Fri, 04 May 2007 07:02:00 PST

80's Hardcore Punk Vids

Hardcore punk is a subgenre of punk rock. You can read more about it here, and watch some 80's (and 90's) vids on this page....
Posted by aron on Fri, 04 May 2007 04:22:00 PST

Donso Ngoni Songs from Tamba

The Donso Ngoni originates from the Wassoulou region in southern Mali. It is a six stringed harp that is traditionally used by hunters. It is a sacred, ceremonial instrument. As a part of the Rootsy R...
Posted by aron on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 12:36:00 PST

Human Trafficking

My former theology professor at the University of San Francisco, David Batstone, sheds light in this interview on the human trafficking problem occurring in the U.S. and throughout the world. Watch V...
Posted by aron on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 12:44:00 PST

Tom's Photos

My wife's brother, Thomas, studies photography in Graz. Here are some of his photos..Tom's Photos...
Posted by aron on Sun, 08 Apr 2007 08:06:00 PST


About two years ago, I was living in a small Austrian village not far from Graz, near the Slovenian border. Out of the blue one day, perhaps out of boredom, I started a blog and worked at it for a fe...
Posted by aron on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 12:25:00 PST

Poetry Anyone?

Hi, I've been posting some poems at this cool new website for poets. When you get a chance, yeah, I think it's worth checking out. Hope you're having a relaxing day/evening.. Cheers, aron p.s. It'...
Posted by aron on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 06:22:00 PST

Project Gutenberg

Free Electronic Books
Posted by aron on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 03:16:00 PST