Stephanie profile picture


I am not pinnochio!!!! arhg!

About Me

I'm your standard stupid girl. I like to watch movies with johnney Depp (however the hck you spell his name). I like to sck ck, (jk).I am a bit of an artist - or i'd like to be anyway. I went to New World School of the Arts, and will be throwing that in peoples faces for years to come. For the moment i'm working as a waitress, trying to make a few bucks. I try my best but the perverts I have to put with, egh, and they keep touching my butt! wtf lol... stacy, you know what i'm talking about!I was once offered a job as a phone sex operator, but they only paid like 10 bucks an hour so I'm like screw that. I need my honey. Again, I wanna see if I can be an artist, but i'm struggling. I wish I had some rich (or seemingly-rich, muahahah) guy or something that could help me like keep my direction. I get distracted easily... :( its not my fault :(

My Interests

Nirvana Soundgarden Alice in Chains Smashing Pumpkins etc...

I'd like to meet:

Bruce Willis Russell Crowe (such the badass) Tom Cruise (so i can rub his little head and be like its ok, ha ha)No I don't prefer older men, i just like some :)Also... Madonna ( so I can call her a slut)


I like 90's music. everything else sucks big black ones.


Gladiator. 'nuff said.


tv sucks, I want someone to take me out


A bunch, but at the risk of sounding like a nerd, I respectfully omit.


Michael Jackson, with the power to dangle babies over balconies everywhere.

My Blog

I quit!

hey everybody! sorry i've been gone for a while. I've been sick and busy, then sick again. I am currently unemployed! yay! I'm doing ok though, I'm using some online data entry crap and making some do...
Posted by Stephanie on Tue, 01 May 2007 04:44:00 PST

crazy drivers

wtf is wrong with kendall drivers!? I was riding by bike (bicycle) last week on the side walk and as I was crossing through the entrance of a mall, a car hit me going at like 3 miles per hour! It knoc...
Posted by Stephanie on Thu, 30 Nov 2006 09:37:00 PST

my job sucks

damnit i hate my freaking job, i try my best to give good service and then people don't tip. I mean i don't mean to be selfish or anything but wtf i need money. im poor :(
Posted by Stephanie on Mon, 27 Nov 2006 06:32:00 PST