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Phoenix(Born Jevon Washington)grew up in a single parent household with his mother and two younger sisters, never knowing his father really hurt him as a young boy but that very pain helped transform him into the PHOENIX.Romans 12:2 says"Do not be conformed to this world but be trasnformed by the renewing of ur mind that you may prove what is the Good, and acceptable, and pefect will of God. The Phoenix was a mythological bird that was made of fire, then at the end of its life cycle it woul die, but that was not it for the Phoenix for it rises from its own ashes!!! we must have the mentallity of the PHOENIX, we must rise from our ashes and be on fire for god, filled with the fire from Acts 1:8....LOOK OUT FOR HIS NEW MUSIC COMING SOON TO A BLOCK NEAR YOU!...IN THE WORDS OF MY HOME BOY JOHNNIE STORM"FLAME-ON" table table table td {vertical-align:top ! src=" 8-1.jpg" border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket" height="350"