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I am looking for great Christian friends who are willing to give up everything at the drop of a dime.
I am looking for great Christian friends who can leave with nothing but the shirt on their backs and shoes on their feet and survive while having the time of their lives.
I am looking for great Christian friends who have the Bible memorized in their minds and written on their hearts.
I am looking for great Christian friends who will sacrifice their lives for our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.
I am looking for great Christian friends who confess with their mouths that Jesus Christ died on the cross at Calvary and rose three days later in human flesh to walk again.
Some music I hear, some music I ignore, and some music I listen to....it depends on my mood.
I do my best to only watch something that is positive, upbeat, peaceful, morally correct, and fundamentally sound, with keeping myself as Christ-centered as possible.
I don't watch much TV, but I do enjoy Man vs. Wild.
The Holy Scriptures
True people who love people unconditionally, stick by people through anything, give people something to build on, and make people laugh and smile, neighbors, family, friends, Jimmy Carter, Fred Rogers, Marie Monsen, Confessing Christians, Paul the Apostle, Disciples of Christ, John the Baptist, Daniel, Isaiah, Moses, Noah, and Jesus Christ.