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Forsaken all, I trust Him

About Me

MyGen Profile Generator Cross Movement Records expands its horizons to include R&B with the eclectic debut release of Metamorphosis by J.R.J.R., the familiar R&B voice behind many of CMR’s memorable hooks, is a versatile crooner and multi-talented producer with unmistakable style.  Born Courtney O. Peebles in St. Louis, Missouri, J.R.’s impressive list of collaborations includes “Closer to You” (Holy Culture/The Cross Movement), “N.F.L. (New Found Love)” (Moment of Truth/Da’ T.R.U.T.H.) and “My Clothes, My Hair” (The Thesis/The Ambassador) to name just a few. He grew up in the church but never really listened to the Gospel message – living with one foot in the streets and one foot in the church.  It was not until he saw himself as a hypocrite that he decided to trust what the Bible said about God’s plan for his life.“So now I feel the desperate need to show the world this light in me…praying that every man would take heed to the Word of God that sets free.” -- J.R.His debut album, Metamorphosis chronicles God’s work in J.R.’s, and by extension every Christian’s life, illustrating the process of transformation from sinner to believer, from a life lived in darkness to one illuminated by the light of Christ.An eclectic mix of R&B, Hip Hop and soulful ballads, Metamorphosis challenges the boundaries of what Christian Hip Hop and Gospel music is traditionally known to be. Listen closely – songs like “Danger” deliver the hardcore message of consequences to sinful living over a deceptively smooth rhythm. “Beautiful Light” calls to mind a summer day, driving with the windows down, contemplating God’s redemptive grace and love. Worship and adoration of Christ abound in the mellow, Marvin Gaye influenced “Amazing.” True to Cross Movement Records form, Metamorphosis resonates sound doctrine in a musical style that is culturally accessible to the modern listener.Experience Metamorphosis and be transformed by the renewing of your mind through God’s Word in song.

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Whats good fam!

Whats good errbody! hope all is well in your lives, just giving an update on whats been good in my life. In the last 4 or 5 months I've been really grindin in the studio and on the road as well as in ...
Posted by J.R. on Fri, 09 Feb 2007 12:03:00 PST

My apologies

Yo, my apologies to those that have hit me up with friend request and messages, I am trying hard to get back with cats. Due to my busy schedule I am even forced to write this blog through my PDA out o...
Posted by J.R. on Mon, 17 Jul 2006 02:47:00 PST