team shit, friends, couches, beer, camping, scoops, girls, art, music, chloe, plowlin, plowlalowlowlin, drinking, making clothes, growing up, living to get radical, norml, space, physics, writing, reading, time travel, american and european carnival literature, debacles, graphic design and typesetting, electric organs, newport lights, power/progressive/death/black/euro metal,ice stravaganzas and beast ice, beast ice tallboys, b to the e tallboys, alabama football!!!!, alabama football game mornings, milds, shit talking, american nightmare and carry on, string theory, john titor, myself
tc boyle
animal collective, the black keys, ryan adams, the raconteurs, pantera
zombie movies.
i love television
cormac mccarthy's the road, ernest hemingway's the sun also rises, kurt vonnegut's cats cradle, max brooks' world war z, tc boyle's friend of the earth
buck meyers, sean hoade