brian profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

44 years young and in great physical condition. optimistic about my goals, several are private. reducing many material holdings as excess baggage and not missing it. enjoy most activities and go stir crazy without feedback. this year i've been able to fish nearly daily and it takes me back to summers as a lad with daily fishing. yes i am truly blessed. whatever problems i have are mental gymnastics and solutions noncodified.

My Interests

pinball, disc golf, poetry.

I'd like to meet:

everyone i've already met with a more temperate attitude. first impressions and excess baggage cloud what should be the best times ever. I'd love to visit with a Bill Melville whom i met while a child. He was truly a pioneer in organic composting. Better living through nutrition and environmental appreciation.


i will soon be back in the studio laying some violin tracks and perhaps young master steve will say siomething other that "i listened to you brian, it really sucks." for listening pleasure its the 80's and much of the new stuff that to me sounds like bonus tracks from the 80's.


some of my well received were at least passable plodders, old hasbeens and tearjerker stories.


bob newhart, newhart, bob (judd hirsch soared)


under computer monitors will help your posture. Several writers from the early 1900's i enjoy mary holmes and harold macgrath, i ate most ludlum books.


i was treated like a hero and fell from grace. heroes have a fatal flaw (a harmatia). such as achilles heal. our greatest heroes can compromise yet stay strong. i'll give paul rudd the heroes nod today.

My Blog


whether its rasalon or dracula the scoring machine is in form have fun at the expo as the new sheperd isn't just the demo man
Posted by brian on Mon, 27 Aug 2007 07:48:00 PST

hit the road and rock and roll

i thought my travel log was a mess until i saw the new cars tour schedule wow what a mess, its so ________ that i may see them in both greenville wi and rockford il. somewhere in there they get to waz...
Posted by brian on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 08:13:00 PST

not enough hours in the day to pat self on back

please bear with me as this particular form letter must be free text non-edited. at issue is weather two include a lengthy list of sixable resent accomplishments-er complements, awards, and various ho...
Posted by brian on Wed, 25 Jul 2007 02:13:00 PST

protest template for hoi poloi, und el planeta de lo simios

i sit, on a sofa pen in hand. domestic tranquility has been exacted at some cost. we have a fine (place org name here) and a self rule (school of choice) above (yet another group of suits). A (typical...
Posted by brian on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 08:37:00 PST

travel time for the piniac

it's back to ind. for two more pinball machines and the ensuing wealth of avarice. when present moment conciousness and follow through combine with opportunity a wonderful vibration shuffles about the...
Posted by brian on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:52:00 PST

taking the history test who's baddest who's best

well some people get it and some don't. heres a paper from when i had it down. of course i was so cool as to be an idiot in some ways but some studies were on. enjoy. transcribed from only existing co...
Posted by brian on Sun, 17 Jun 2007 10:15:00 PST

fishing for fun

here in green bay wi its a dry summer at least for worm rangling, thus it becomes an opportunity to impale maggots (trophy size year 07 from early reports) and interestingly since their so filty its n...
Posted by brian on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 08:31:00 PST

simple lives, vain glory, and petty scum

the great diamond dave is song found the simple life weren't so simple anymore when you hit the road. here is perception and a songs ambivalence. who is you. well when the provider hits the road its a...
Posted by brian on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 05:43:00 PST

more key quotes

i ain't never seen nothing greased up like that since the 72 Bugtussle hog scramble. E. May Clampett our cast party was more fun than jumanji r. williams i'd like to thank mali finn for reviving my ca...
Posted by brian on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:23:00 PST

key quotes from the trailers and teasers

knock three times if you want my foot up your ass. Red Foreman (kurtwood smith). keep your shirt on earthman. madonna
Posted by brian on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 04:12:00 PST