I work in Video Games. I make comics on the side. And write. And work on cars. And take photos. And sometimes play tennis.
I am a member of the band THE GUITAR ZEROS. (THE GUITAR ZEROS on MySpace)
I created the comic Scurvy Dogs ( www.scurvy-dogs.com ) with Andrew Boyd. It was critically-acclaimed and shit. And it's available through Amazon.com . But please support your local comic shops!
Andrew and I are now working on AMERICAN SPACE NINJA (In Space), the thrilling spiritual successor to Scurvy Dogs.
I once wrote a Neuropsychological research paper entitled "Traumatic Brain Injury and Atrophy of the Cingulate Gyrus," which was published in The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences (14:416-423, November 2002).