What's up bitches?
Shout out to all my dawgs from the South Side Bark Park. OMG!!11!!!1! I
So like I have mom, but she lives in Delaware. She picks me up and feels all guilty so she like buys me mad stuff at Petco. OMG She rocks!!!1!!1!!! I like totally love her.
I live with my grandparents and they are totally awesome. OMG I love you!!! They always get me stuff and like make me steak and stuff. My pop pop is totally in love with me and feeds me pretzels and beer. He's so funny when we get drunk. He tells me how cool the NRA is and that it's like totally not his fault my mom is a liberal.
My mom mom is like totally freaking awesome cause she like totally lets me out when I gotta pee and I like to eat her cakes.
My uncle lives in Lancaster and word on the corner is that he has a cat - TRADER!!OMG I'm a princess!!
Name? Moxie
Nicknames? Moo, Mooser Bee, Bitch (if you read my comments.)
Birthdate? Feb 11, 2002
How did your "people" find you? At my mommy's job, Mimi had a litter.
How was your name chosen? My mommy nerdishly printed out cool names from google -- I was going to be named Saffron OMG PUKE!
Who do you live with? I live in a shared custody situation, I live with my grandparents and visit my mommy.
Favorite toy? Anything that I can squeak a billion times in a row. OMG Squeaking rules!
Are your ears cropped? Eww, that's so 1998
Is your tail cropped? Of course
Fawn or brindle? Fawnalicious
Birth parents names? Sydney and Champer
Siblings names? White Cat (Hate him!) Zorra (Another cat) and Paul (a whacked out freak cat)
Boyfriend/girlfriend? I got my mens at the bark park I like flirt with.
Kids? Puh-lease, I'm too hot for that.
Best friend? OMG, my Pop-pop. He is like totally freakin awesome. We hang all the time.
Favorite place to walk? The Gun Club and Bark Park
How much do you weigh? Getting a little personal, aren't we?
Where do you sleep? Next to my Pop-pop or on my princess bed.
Favorite game to play? Tug o War or Chase the water hose
Do you do any tricks? Sit, stay, BANG!, Go to bed, Down, Get Crazy, Karate Chop, Knock it off, Roll over, Fight Club... just to name a few.
Do you wear clothes/jewelry? I'm totally into having the hottest collar collection. My mommy has such great taste.
Are you lazy? Seriously, I'm a boxer.
Do you jump on people alot? It is a seriously compulsive disorder, I swear I cannot help it.
Can you do the "Boxer C" I'm doing it right now!!