Hi there !!
Why this Myspace site ? First of all I'll use it as a free forum to show some pictures I have made, and to check some other photographers, artists, musicians, designers,..., and maybe to communicate with them, or even meet them, if possible,...
Which are my interests and activities ? In short : photography, arts, music, philosophy.
Philosophy :
Reading and collecting books : literature, philosophy, history, art, poetry, omnivorous reading
Philosophy of life, phenomenology and time diagnosis, existentialism, cultural, aesthetics, semiotics and worldviews
Emotions and psychological states, cultural phenomena, ideologies, thematics, metaphors, symbols,...
non- and anti-conformism, anarchism, libertarianism, ideas of freedom, cynicism, freethinking, life art
On my blog (in Flemish) : www.willems-guy.typepad.com , I try to bring together the most diverse information, points of view, texts, articles, essays....
Art :
Interested in art and art history in a broad sense...
I like to follow up some arts and artists, to read about, to visit some expositions and musea, and,
if it is affordable to me, to collect.
Music :
My musical taste : there is in fact no specific genre that I like the most of all, so I am very eclectic.
However, I mostly listen to ambient, elektronika and IDM.
But there is music I like in all kinds, such as early, old and classical music, contemporary classic and experimental, minimal techno and other electronic genres, industrial and noise, funk, jazz, soul, folk, and so on.
Music I don't like is mostly very commercial, crappy or low profile, this can be of all genres.
In general, I don't pay much attention the actual scene of commercial music and entertainment... It is what it is...
From time to time I experiment with sounds and images, and to compose some soundscapes with the help of some software and electronics (Reaktor, Ableton, Logic, Doepfer, selfmade stuff,....)
And I occasionally play DJ (who doesn't nowadays...)
Photography :
Photography, to me, is close associated with philosophy... Photography, like philosophy, is based on observation, the art of seeing, feeling and listening, exploring and experimenting, travelling, reading, writing, creating,..., and, first of all, on the statement "nothing is self-evident"...
My subjects could be very divers, for instance persons, atmospheres, structures and patterns, light patterns, graphics, macro, travelling pictures, landscapes, clouds and meteorological observations, architectural constructions, nude and erotic, fetish, nonsens,... The point is to make them express some feelings, emotions, ideas, narrative, aesthetics or beauty..., in fact to let them express themselves as they are...
Themes are for instance : surfaces, radiations and currents, desolation, uncanny, ennui, melancholy, complexity, knots and wires, shadows and light, Lichtung, Vexierbilder, fuzzyness, layered reality, rhizome, networks, body, labyrinths and ruins, cynicism, patchworks, intoxication, ways and movements, contradictions, spheres and centers,... If possible, in co-operation with other media such as sounds, graphics, arts, design, video, text, audiovisual media and experiments,... or in thematic or more applied sense, for instance artistic nude, glamour and erotic photography,...
From time to time I'll put some new pictures on the site. You can find my pictures also on the following blog : My photography blog : Guy Willems' Fotoblog
Some of my pictures :