Myspace Layouts by
I am a Loner.
Like a female version of Saint Exupery’s ‘Le petit Prince’… I wander around this World… wherever curiosity may lead me.
Question: ‘What have You done with your Life ?’ I am fascinated by every person I meet & their stories… What do they really do with their allotted time on Mother Earth ?
I am specialised in Trusting Charlatans...
& constantly fluctuate between condemning mankind as the most arrogant and selfish Creature ever to have walked on this planet & my veneration for each and every Human Being. I tolerate man’s weakness… have a deep Fascination & Admiration for the creative, head-strong or even pathetic Struggle for Survival that symbolises Man…
I Love what I Hate….
Sometimes forgetting the difference… sometimes finding it difficult to distinguish between the 2.
I my Life everybody is welcome: artists, freaks, musicians, beggars and millionaires, health-freaks and junkies… cooks, full-time ‘Smart asses’, blunderers… American Dreams or people that just… fumble or stumble their way through life.
My baggage on this survival trip through life contains Love, Curiosity…
& the inexplicable urge to create something valid out of it: a book, music, a film, a videoclip, but it could also be a chocolate mousse… a drawing or a special gift for a beloved.
I Love music in all it’s genres, the feeling on sea-water on my skin, chocolate, champagne, driving and listening to music… dancing with my feet in the sea, getting lost in museums, preferably contemporary art.
TIME is my Lord and Master
Time will always judge true Loves, Friendships and the importance of good Art… or crap.
Express Your individuality, by the way you live… the way you look… through art, through music…
I find this a valid endeavour