ZeroHero Comics is an independant comic book/graphic design company headed by "Big Brother" and is associated with Lone Knight Productions. ZeroHero is currently working on a prequel comic book to the critically acclaimed independant film "BEANTOWN" directed by Timothy Norman. ZeroHero is also overseeing some of the graphic aspects of the film's post production values. This site is for people to get excited about BEANTOWN, THE SUPERMARKET, and LoneKnight Productions. Check out the profile, and drop yer comments. And continue to check out this page for previews of current and upcoming projects. And be sure to check out ZeroHero's friends, all of them are brilliant artists, writers, fans, and illustrators and are worth a look and some feedback. ALSO CHECK OUT OUR WEBCOMIC PAGE AT WWW.WEBCOMICSNATION.COM/ZEROHERO7 for the actual story thus far. And for all you comic geniuses out there look us up at WWW.COMISPACE.COM/ZEROHERO/I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!