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~WHAT IS A SOVEREIGN MOOR/MUUR?~Blacks Law Dictionary 7th edition:SOVEREIGN: A Person, Body or State vested with Independent and Supreme Authority [Autonomy].MOOR/MUUR: means brown from the spanish word "Morenos" Moor is English and Muur is French and the Treaty of Peace and Friendship which was set in 1787. these two languages were spoken because they were understood by both Parties.So in essence a Sovereign Moor/Muur is a Natural Brown Body vested with Independant and Supreme Authority; Only applicable to Moors/Muurs who Establish their Authority [Autonomy] by way of their Actions and Realize that Independence is being FREE from Your former state and Implementing Your Supreme Authority [Autonomy].

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~THE MOORISH AMERICANS FREEDOM AND LEGAL RIGHTS WHILE IN THE CHRISTIAN UNION COURT ROOM~In the Christian Union Court Room, the Moors cannot be forced to remove their Red Fez and or Turban from their heads, nor can they be Forced to raise their hand and take an Oath over the Christian Bible [Injil]. Neither can the Moors--- the Els and Beys, Employ "European" or "Negro" lawyers [Attorneys] to represent them. The reason for this is that "European" people and their "Negro" slaves [Chattel property/State & Colony Wards] definitely cannot represent Huriyat Al-Moroccans [Free Moorish Americans].Moors cannot be represented by Europeans or N.B.C.'s due to the fact that they do not have our [Moors/Asiatics] best Interests at heart....First and Foremost!!! An Attorney-at-law is (a licensed agent of the corporate administrative courts and tribunals in the US for the Crown of England) Out of Your [Moors/Asiatics] Jurisdiction!!! Attorneys swear an Oath to uphold the "BAR ASSOCIATION". The first letter of B.A.R. stands for "British". (British Accreditation Regency); The BAR was First organized in Mississippi in 1825. The "integrated bar" movement. 40 Years later in 1865 the slaves [N.B.C.'s] were Freed. When You are born into the world through the Womb of Your Umi [Mother] as a baby, you are delivered right into the hands of those who are of De Facto Jurisdiction (I.E.the State) and Before you [the baby]ever get the chance to touch down on Your Native Soil 1st [Umi Al-Ard/Mother Earth] Your footprints touch a Document known as a notice of Birth Certificate. This Certificate is then recorded at a local County Recorders office, then sent to a Secretary of State which sends it to "The Bureau of Census of the COMMERCE Department". Which makes You, the Child State Property [Wards of the State]. Artificial persons Governed according to Laws that are colorable [Color of Law] not Real a Legal Fiction. You are COMMERCE of the State The Birth certificate is an unrevealed "Trust Instrument" originally designed for the Children of the Newly freed slaves [N.B.C.'s] after the unconstitutional 13th Amendment with Only "two" sections Instead of "Twenty", 14th and 15th Amendments [Granted Privileges/"Not Rights"]. The US has the ability to 'TAX' and 'Regulate' Commerce. (Example: The States use regulations and Coercion to Deny Legitimate status to all Marriages, Not 'Sactioned' by the STATES. They Impose Ransom fees for Such Marriages for State Coffers. All non-STATE Ordained marriages are Labeled Illegitimate, along with any Offspring (Progeny) coming from such marriages or 'Indigenous Unions' not arranged through The STATE (G.O.D.) agencies. "No Man can change another Mans Descendant nature unless his powers extend beyond The Great Universal Creator ALLAH Himself." which We know to be Impossible; for He is the Creator of the Sima Wati [Heavens] and Al-Ard [The Earth].The MOORS must respect the court by saying "I AFFIRM". Here the court has no Jurisdiction over them which automatically makes them qualified to Defend Themselves by their CONSTITUTIONAL Law and the Mathematical number nine, (9). The number nine, (9) corresponds with the letter I, based on the nine months from Conception to birth which makes You, Your-self, the great I-AM, the first and the Highest law of Self protection and Self preservation in Harmony with Your Unchanged Universal Constitution Moral Law, of 360 degrees squared by Your number nine, (9). All Destined and Divinely Ordained By ALLAH Subhana' Wa'ta Ala [The Most High] and Backed By the Holy Qur'an of Mecca, Circle [7],Injil, Torah and All the Ancient Scripts. A God Given Right At-law, "In-Law"!!!!! OUR TRUE ANCIENT AND DIVINE CREED OF OUR FOREFATHERS AND MOTHERS WAS ISLAMISM/ISLAM FUNCTIONING OFF OF THE DIVINE PRINCIPLES/PILLARS OF MUHIBAT [LOVE], HAQQ [TRUTH], SALAAM [PEACE/HOTEP], HURIYATAN [FREEDOM] WA-ADL [AND JUSTICE].'Salat' [Meditation/Prayer]is a Must for All True Moors/Asiatics!!!

I'd like to meet:

~MOORISH AMERICAN, DEFINED~First and foremost, a Moorish American is a citizen and a member, (born or proclaimed), of the Pure [TAWHIR] and Clean Nation. They are a people of a divinely constituted government, with the Flag of Their Ancient Forefathers and in the Land of Their birth. Moorish American is the modern name of the descendants of the Ancient Moabites ~Al Moroccans~ [The inhabitants of Northwest and Southwest Africa] born in America Which the True and Divine Name is (Amexem); commonly and politically called Negroes, Blacks, and coloreds, E.T.C. Moorish Americans have recognized inalienable rights and protections, guranteed and living, which a So-called "Black pEOPLE" can never claim. Moorish Americans are a nation ordained to "Be" by the Great God-Allah Who is One and Alone; and has no Partners "ya Digg???" Which The Nearest Place to find Him is in the Heart! There is absolutely no way to compare the "Suffrage Era" during the time of sLAVERY of Negroes, Colored fOLKS and bLACKS to the "[Haqq] True [Huriyat] Freedom" enjoyed in the Jumats of Moorish Americans, as a nation regardless of what rEGION, Temple, or Tribe "yOU" are from. "Ye are the children of One Father provided for by his care; and the breast of One mother hath given ye suck.Let the Bonds of affection therefore unite thee with thy brothers that peace and happiness may dwell in thy father's house..." Sovereignty is yours Reclaim it, because Allah The Most High has given it to Us All by Nature!!!!! Check out the video above By Dr. Ivan Van Sertima a Part in a Series of Lectures which the Topic was: "The dead are Alive in Us...". Which gives you a sense of What and Where your True Sovereignty Begins, for We are A spirit from the Everlasting Pass; Unto the Never Ending Days to come which is Our Ancient Forfathers... width="425" height="350" ..Moors are Men, Upright, Independent and Fearlss who care for their loved ones and follow the path of the Prophet to a destiny which is not uncertain nor unknown. We are fortified by the Impregnable doctrine built upon Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. It is therefore, folly at its greatest height for smelly culprits with their insidious plans to invade such a realm.They try and try but their own bad planning bringsdown the wrath upon their heads like the sword old Damocles had. Intrigue and scurrilous cunnings find a difficult path to travel within the ranks of the Moors. This is so because the Moorish Movement has been well planned and founded upon the Attribute Ali, whose latent powers are abundant, unknown and may be called into action, as a matter of defense, at any moment.The Prophet knows the people within his ranks who are interested. They are the Vanguard of the Movement as the Moorish Hordes increase here in Amexem [America]. All of the Moors are active not passive. A members interest can only be in one direction and having traveled down the road many years before the Prophet knows where every member is along the road.A few feet below is another road where schemers walk, and traitors grin, and culprits bask in the sun. They think they are on the same road with the true Moors, but the Moors are high above on a pinnacle where they might view the destructionists as they fall for the last time and their bones bleach in the sultry mid-day sun.Hungry scavengers flying high, catch scent, devour and leave crying out: Caveat Emptor - cast out the dead carcass. The Moors high above see these plotters, purveyors, the worst that exist, hurl themselves downward by their own works as the hawks wait.




My Blog


- The Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) recently scrapped a plan to map Southern California Muslims and their communities through its counter-terrorism bureau. National civil liberties groups and M...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Wed, 05 Dec 2007 08:41:00 PST


Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Mon, 03 Dec 2007 10:52:00 PST

~Seven Days of Creation~

1. FIRST DEGREE (Day) Sunday / Micha El - Ruled by the Sun and Leo.In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, the Earth was void and empty, and darkness was on the face of the deep. Then ...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 05:47:00 PST


     And what is this day that you call Thanksgiving? What is the history of it if you know? know you not that upon the day that you call Thanksgiving that you celebrate the death of and the surrender...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Mon, 19 Nov 2007 03:46:00 PST


The nationality of any People is the first issue "At Law" which establishes the identity (pedigree/parentage), birthright issues and any issue at sovereign law in the national and international civic ...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:28:00 PST

Title Denotes Possession

Let's examine title as a Principle of law, showing how it clearly denotes posseession of property - land, chattel, commodity, etec. Title is the means whereby the owner of lands or chattel has th...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 08:03:00 PST


Protocol No. 1 Right lies in Might.   Freedoman idea only.   Liberalism.   Gold.   Faith.   Self-Government.   Despotism of Capital.   The internal foe.   The Mob.   Anarchy.   Politics VERSES Jew-M...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 01:39:00 PST


1. O thou who are enamoured with the beauty of Truth, and hast fixed thy heart on the simplicity of her charms, hold fast thy fidelity unto her, and forsake her not; the constancy of thy virtue shall ...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 03:34:00 PST


1. The foundation of Christianity began in Rome. The Roman nations founded the first Church, of whom crucified Jesus of Nazareth for seeking to redeem His people from under the Roman yoke and law.2. J...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Wed, 07 Nov 2007 04:17:00 PST


FEAR, as used in political subjagation, oppression and teaching IS ONLY: F=FALSE. E=EDUCATION. A=APPEARING. R=REAL.THE DEMONIC ILLUSION OF THE AGES!Fear not! Fear is a mster tool of 'the SLAVE and WA...
Posted by \^EL^7^EYE5^/ on Sun, 04 Nov 2007 01:15:00 PST