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History or HIS STORY?

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Some the Information on this page I got off the Internet.. So im not tryin to take any type of credit for this information im just tryin to en light you on the situation thats going on and has been going on for a VERY long time...So the information thats on this page is not hard to find..what is hard to find is getting "our" people to go out and look for it....
Nostradamus Predicted Bush Victory
"Come the millenium, month twelve, In the home of the greatest power, The village idiot will come forth To be acclaimed the leader." --Nostradamus 1555 AD
First of all I want to tell you that all the information on this page is true, and if there is any thing on this page that you disagree with send me a note and let me know.....
Article 4 Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution stated that “The United-States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion.”. Take note that a Republic form of government (“To this Republic for which it stands”) is what is guaranteed not a democracy.
When the U.S. Bankruptcy of 1930 C.E. was declared in the U.S. Congress in 1933 C.E., gold was taken out of circulation and the un Constitutional thus fraudulent U.S. currency made its debut. All of the fraudulent U.S. currency in circulation was/is made at an average rate of 2 cents per bill [That’s about what they are worth] regardless of denomination. The U.S. Treasury sells these bills to the Federal Reserve at cost. Whenever the U.S. government needs a loan, the U.S. Treasury borrows those same bills from the Federal Reserve at face value plus interest and the suckers/public/U.S. citizens get taxed to pay the face value plus the interest to the owners of the Federal Reserve by the Privately owned and operated collection agency known as the Internal Racketeering Squad… Any U.S. citizen that has ever allegedly paid the I.R.S. should look at who endorsed the check used for payment (It was not the U.S. Treasury so U.S. citizens can forget about their taxes being used to for “Running the country”).
You cannot pay debt with debt. You can only pay a debt with substance. The fraudulent U.S. currency is a tender (A fancy way of saying it’s an i.o.u.) that has no material value [Give me a pound… A pound of what? Give me a dollar… A dollar of what?]. On the back of the of the U.S. currency one dollar bill denomination you will find not 1 seal but 2. These two seals depict 2 different governments, 2 different jurisdictions. Unless you were a Mason, most U.S. Citizens and U.S. citizens had never seen the Great Seal [Pyramid with the all seeing eye] prior to the late 1920’s C.E.. What are they telling the U.S. citizen by having the Seal of the Moors on the back of their medium of exchange? What are they telling the declared Moors as well as the comatose/undeclared Moors?
They are telling the U.S. citizens that the U.S. is beholden to their lender, the Moors [Owner of the Great Seal] due to the outstanding loan that has to be repaid. They are telling the declared Moors that they recognize that the U.S. is obligated to re pay the Moors what is owed [$25 million in gold plus interest, penalties, and fines] however they are withholding payment because the government of ours that they were familiar with has collapsed and they have worked hard to keep our people and theirs unaware of our inheritance, they claim that they don’t know who to make payment to( They do now, the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government has made sure of it). To the undeclared Moors, they are telling you that they are the fiduciaries managing your wealth until you come take it meaning they are speculating with your wealth like a bank will loan out your gold to earn interest until you withdraw all of your gold. An they know the length of time they have to do this is the length of your ignorance with regards to knowledge of self [Some of our people were brought here on slave ships but the reality is the bulk of us were already here… Where did all of those “Free coloreds in the North” that were never slaves descend/come from?]. If they can't attempt to move 150 million people from the West coast of *Alkebu-Lan in 100 years with all of the ships in the world today [And they will tell you that much], HOW IN THE WORLD COULD THEY HAVE ATTEMPTED TO MOVE 150 MILLION PEOPLE OVER A THREE HUNDRED YEAR PERIOD USING SMALLER SHIPS (BARCLAYS BANK made a fortune making loans to slave ship builders while LLOYDS OF LONDON made a fortune insuring those slave ships) MAKING FEWER TRIPS WITH SMALLER CARGO CAPACITY TAKING A GREATER AMOUNT OF TIME TO MAKE THE TRIP THAN TODAYS MODERN SHIPS? Wake Up And Do The Math!!! We Were Already Here!!! Hello!?! Is Anybody Listening???
Whatever they taught you in their public/private fool (school) systems you believed. They told you that the so called Indian is the first inhabitant of this hemisphere coming across a land bridge into so called Alaska and worked their way South in search for food. If that were so, the oldest burial sites would be found in Alaska and would get younger as you work your way South. However, the oldest bones are found farther South than so called Alaska and the bones are of undisputable Moorish phenotype.
They taught you in their public/private fool system that Christobal-Colon [Christopher Columbus] “discovered” the so called “Americas”. Obviously, this is not so. They told you he was on his way to so called Hindustan/India and got lost yet his diaries tell you (November 2 entry) that his interpreters spoke Arabic, Chaldean, and Hebrew [Africa And The Discovery Of America by Leo Weiner] and were able to converse in Arabic with the “King of Cuba”. These are the same people that Christobal referred to as “Woolly haired Mohammadans [A fancy code word for Moor]. Take note that Christobal had no interpreter that spoke Hindu yet it is alleged that he was headed to a land where Hindu is a primary language. Translation: Christobal knew exactly where he was going and he knew exactly who he would find when he got there... Us!!!
There have been no chartered banks in the U.S. venue since the inception of the U.S. bankruptcy (You have to be solvent to be chartered to do business) in 1933 C.E. . With gold [Substance] pulled out of circulation, banks in the U.S. venue began loaning commercial instruments in place of money/substance which translates as they loan you nothing and charge you interest which is usury. This is the true inspiration behind all gun control laws. They know that when the unsuspecting so called white U.S. citizens finally figure out that they were sold out, the armed white folks will come after them with their guns blazing.
The Federal Reserve was/is used on the U.S. citizens [Technically, there is no such thing as a U.S. citizen because the U.S. is a for profit corporation chartered to business that has subdiaries (STATE OF NEW MEXICO as opposed to the New-Mexico-State: Republic) and franchises (U.S. citizens/resident aliens/artificial entities/corporations/you that have no rights that a Court is bound to respect because as an inanimate object before a Court, you have no feelings, cannot own anything, cannot speak thus cannot state a claim upon which relief may be granted).] If that was the case, the for profit corporation "Mc Donalds" could make you a citizen/have its own citizenry.] while the International Monetary Fund and World Bank are used on our family in Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Korea, etc. The I.M.F. and World Bank suckered these governments into accepting loans of nothing [Fraudulent/non existent U.S. currency] and charged them interest. In turn, these governments (Like their U.S. citizen counterparts) voluntarily elected into the fraud unknowingly and pledged to repay the non loan [Hey! I’m good for it] as they pledged all of the labor of their respective citizenry and all that they own including their sovereignty thus their citizenry became a surety/collateral that backs the securities sold to the highest bidder everybusiness day on what is called the bond market [Congratulations!!! You've just been pawned]. This is why the U.N. is demanding that its members “make” all of their citizens have a birth certificate. The registered birth certificate is tied to a surety/collateral/laborer/you [There is a bond attached to the birth certificate that is sold on the bond market also] that will be taxed to pay the non loan and interest. Suckers… Hook! Line! And…Sinker!
The Amexem-Moor-Empire and its Imperial-Government considers Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, and Korea as part and parcel of the Amexem-Moor-Empire. The Amexem-Moor-Empire is not amused by the antics of the Anglo-American/European purveyors of the madness described herein. The Anglo-American/European mind set that they are the moral and ethical standard bearers and that their military might makes right does not hold sway here. What the world has witnessed in Yugoslavia and Cote D’Ivoire speaks volumes. The will of the people in those respective places overpowered those that stood against the will of the people without the people having to fire a shot. The will of the people in those respective places overwhelmed their former leaders proving that public opinion/people power is more powerful than the nuclear arsenal of any so called super power. You can fool some of the people some of the time but you can’t fool all of the people all of the time. The masters of the 7 seas/Moors are back and we will be successful in restoring knowledge of self to our people. We will free the minds of our people, free our land, and recoup all that rightfully belongs to us.
The time is rapidly approaching when the Anglo-American/European will be brought to the table to negotiate the repayment of all monies owed [Aforementioned Loan of $25 million in gold in 1861 C.E./Pan –American-Conference of 1928 C.E./Geneva-Convention], the payment for exploitation of our people and the natural resources of our lands, the payment for the clean up of our environment destroyed by the Anglo-American/European, and the transfer of the keys of power. The Amexem-Moor-Empire is a unified nation that will absorb and unify our family of Kenya, Zimbabwe, Indonesia, Korea, and elsewhere. The collective will of our people will prevail because we are standing on the principles of truth and right. Our people will refuse to continue to be defrauded through the living of a lie. Let the Anglo/American/European take note: Your time is up! You can hide no more! You can lie no more!
The U.S. Congress has the responsibility of addressing and settling all claims against the U.S. including the $25 million in gold plus 139 years to date of interest, penalties, and fines owed to the Amexem-Moor-Empire through the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government. The time has come for the U.S. Congress to begin good faith negotiations in this matter with the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government. The Amexem-Moor-Empire: Imperial-Government demands that the U.S. Congress/U.S. government [Executive, Legislative, and Judicial] immediately contact the Amexem-Moor-Empire: Department For The Imperial-Affairs to obtain the necessary protocols and logistics that will facilitate a smooth negotiations process.
* Alkebu-Lan is the oldest and only indigenous designation of the continent that is the cradle of the man [See page 47 and the glossary on page 74-75 of Black Man Of The Nile by University of Cairo and Cornell University Professor Dr. Yusef AA ben Jochannan]. We are not so called african [From the Greek word "aprica" ]. We are not Ethiopian [From the Greek "Ithiops"] and the designation Muur also known as Moor predates the Greek "Mauri/Mauros" stemming from the root Mu as in Lemuria and Mu Atlantis.We referred to ourselves as Moors then thus we are Moors now!!! We are NOT africans or ethiopians!!! We never gave the Greeks or any other so called "European" power, authority, nor permission to define us. We refer to so called white people as so called "European" because they are not indigenous to those lands either. The root word EU means caves and hills. Rope to bind in. We confined them to the caves and hills for 2000 years for their previous mischief. This fact is vehemently attacked for obvious reasons but never proven to be incorrect. Truth is truth and truth needs no crutch!
Moors as "a member of Moslem people of mixed Arab and Berber descent." This deletion of "black" or "Negro" from the term Moor is generally recent. Though the word "Moor" originally seems to have been meant to indicate Blacks, it in time came to be applied to Muslims in general, especially the Berbers. Africans In Early Europe
In any case, the word was first applied officially to the indigenous people of a Roman province in North Africa called Mauretania (Latin = 'land of the Moors'). This roughly corresponds to present day North Morocco and Algeria. The name Morocco is another reminder of the region's "Moorish" past.
We were called Moors up until 1774...
Did you know that the FIRST PERSIDENT WAS A MOOR?
George Washington was not the first President of the United States. In fact, the first President of the United States was one John Hanson. Don't go checking the encyclopedia for this guy's name - he is one of those great men that are lost to history. If you're extremely lucky, you may actually find a brief mention of his name.
The new country was actually formed on March 1, 1781 with the adoption of The Articles of Confederation. This document was actually proposed on June 11, 1776, but not agreed upon by Congress until November 15, 1777. Maryland refused to sign this document until Virginia and New York ceded their western lands (Maryland was afraid that these states would gain too much power in the new government from such large amounts of land).
Once the signing took place in 1781, a President was needed to run the country. John Hanson was chosen unanimously by Congress (which included George Washington). In fact, all the other potential candidates refused to run against him, as he was a major player in the revolution and an extremely influential member of Congress.
As the first President, Hanson had quite the shoes to fill. No one had ever been President and the role was poorly defined. His actions in office would set precedent for all future Presidents.
He took office just as the Revolutionary War ended. Almost immediately, the troops demanded to be paid. As would be expected after any long war, there were no funds to meet the salaries. As a result, the soldiers threatened to overthrow the new government and put Washington on the throne as a monarch.
All the members of Congress ran for their lives, leaving Hanson as the only guy left running the government. He somehow managed to calm the troops down and hold the country together. If he had failed, the government would have fallen almost immediately and everyone would have been bowing to King Washington. In fact, Hanson sent 800 pounds of sterling silver by his brother Samuel Hanson to George Washington to provide the troops with shoes.
Hanson, as President, ordered all foreign troops off American soil, as well as the removal of all foreign flags. This was quite the feat, considering the fact that so many European countries had a stake in the United States since the days following Columbus.
Hanson established the Great Seal of the United States, which all Presidents have since been required to use on all official documents.
President Hanson also established the first Treasury Department, the first Secretary of War, and the first Foreign Affairs Department.
Lastly, he declared that the fourth Thursday of every November was to be Thanksgiving Day, which is still true today.
The Articles of Confederation only allowed a President to serve a one year term during any three year period, so Hanson actually accomplished quite a bit in such little time.
Six other presidents were elected after him - Elias Boudinot (1783), Thomas Mifflin (1784), Richard Henry Lee (1785), Nathan Gorman (1786), Arthur St. Clair (1787), and Cyrus Griffin (1788) - all prior to Washington taking office.
So what happened?
Why don't we ever hear about the first seven Presidents of the United States?
It's quite simple - The Articles of Confederation didn't work well. The individual states had too much power and nothing could be agreed upon.
A new doctrine needed to be written - something we know as the Constitution.
And that leads us to the end of our story.
George Washington was definitely not the first President of the United States. He was the first President of the United States under the Constitution we follow today.
And the first seven Presidents are forgotten in history.
John Hanson assumed the Presidency on November 3, 1781, the first man to be
elected under the new Articles of Confederation. Hanson was elected by an
unanimous vote and all potential candidates refused to run against him
because of his work during the revolution and influence in Congress. He was
a delegate from Maryland. His family was at the forefront of Maryland's
struggle for freedom and equality long before the American Revolution. In
1783, the Maryland Gazette eulogized Hanson on his death November 21, 1783,
two years after being elected President. "Thus was ended the career of one
of America's greatest statesmen. While hitherto practically unknown to our
people, and this is true as to nearly all the generations that have lived
since his day, his great handiwork, the nation which he helped to establish,
remains as a fitting tribute to his memory. It is doubtful if there has ever
lived on this side of the Atlantic, a nobler character or shrewder statesman.
One would search in vain to find a more powerful personage, or a more
aggressive leader, in the annals of American history. And it is extremely
doubtful if there has ever lived in an age since the advent of civilization,
a man with a keener grasp of, or a deeper insight into, such democratic
ideals as are essential to the promotion of personal liberty and the
extension of human happiness. He was firm in his opinion that the people of
America were capable of ruling themselves without the aid of a king." It was
only in the early part of this century that historians were able to locate
Hanson's grave in Prince George County, Maryland. In the dedication of
Hanson's statue in the Halls of Congress in 1903, Senator Jonathan P.
Dolliver of Iowa described Hanson as "a man who in a peculiarly appropriate
sense was the representative of the national ideal throughout the
Revolutionary struggle." Hanson's statue does not reside with the other
statues donated by the 50 states, his remains exclusive in the corridor
between the House and the Senate. James Madison was an ardent admirer of
John Hanson, as he saw in him not only exalted virtues, but also ideas and
ideals, and a poise and a sagacity as a statesman, which caused him to he
held in esteem by the people. Abraham Lincoln stated that Hanson should
share equal honors with George Washington.
Hanson is known as "the forgotten man". His forefathers and his sons have
had long distinguished careers in the service of their country, but because
of the struggle between the nationalist and the federalists in the late
1780s, the work of men like Hanson, Elias Boudinot, Thomas Mifflin, Richard
Henry Lee, Nathan Gorham, Arthur St. Clair and Cyrus Griffin, all
presidents before Washington, have been eclipsed. The American education
system has neglected this critical point in American history, an era in
which the very nation, itself, was shaped from the sword to the plowshare.
George Washington referred to the election of Hanson by stating, "I
congratulate Your Excellency on Your appointment to fill the most important
seat in the United States."
The back of the $2 bill has an engraving of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. In the image is a man who has dark skin and wearing a powdered wig while sitting at the table just to the left of the men standing in the center of the engraving. This dark skinned man is John Hanson in his position as president of the continental congress.
INFORMATION ABOUT NOBLE DEW ALIThe purveyors of so-called white supremacy were just walking along minding their own business; suppressing, destroying, and/or misrepresenting the truth about history… Moor’s history in particular when out of no where came the savior for the fallen people that they had extinguished the light and life within. His appellation is Noble: Drew-Ali.
Having traveled the world, Noble: Drew-Ali obtained knowledge, wisdom, understanding, and over-standing into the many truths the oppressors were working so hard to hide. After detecting our true identity as Moors and our true history as possessors of the oldest artifacts and burial sites in what has been misnomered as the so-called “Americas” as opposed to the lies the so-called white supremist was spewing forth [All “blacks” were brought to the “Americas” by us to be our slaves]; Noble: Drew-Ali implemented a series of actions to begin the process of resurrecting our people from the comatose and dead levels. These efforts culminated in the re-emergence of the Moors as a community in the sense of a body-politic that was gestating/rebuilding into a nation once again.
In 1928 C.E., the Pan-American-Conference was held in Havana, Cuba. Secretary Of State Hughes went down to represent the United:States and Noble: Drew-Ali went down to represent the Moors. At that conference, the mandate for the land mass of Greater-Amexem [North, Central, and South-Central-Amexem] misnomered as the North, Central, and South “Americas” was returned to the Moors. Noble: Drew-Ali knew what this meant and what the ramifications of this was and is. Several stop gap measures were taken by Noble: Drew-Ali to secure our [The Moors] birthright inheritance and beneficiary interest as Moors to the land mass within the aforementioned land mandate.
The actions of Noble: Drew-Ali were detected by the so-called white-supemists and they immediately proceeded to act to do all they could to impede his work and take him out.
Fortunately natural law governs all events thus by the time the oppressor made his move on Noble: Drew-Ali, Noble: Drew-Ali had already put things in motion. This scared the international banksters because land and labor is where all of your wealth comes from in the carnal world and Noble: Drew-Ali had just yanked all the land from so-called “Alaska” to so-called “Argentina” out from under them. Even though we, the Moors as a community were mentally comatose at that time the international banksters recognized that the potential for our instant return to our place of prominence on the global scene existed. Thus the international banksters recalled all of their loans in a panic which in turn put a squeeze on their stock market which caused its collapse 2 months after the assassination of Noble: Drew-Ali.
Nevertheless the so-called European on both sides of the Atlantic knew that their system was and is existing and functioning on borrowed time. They also realize that the length of that borrowed time is directly tied to the length of our [The Moors] ignorance/lack of knowledge of our self, our history, our culture, and what is rightly/justly ours. This fact is what has compelled the so-called white supremist to do all that is possible to keep the undeclared/mentally-comatose-Moors from ever waking up and reclaiming all that rightly belongs to our people and at the same time; keep the rank and file unsuspecting so-called “Europeans” from finding out what is really going on.
Noble: Drew-Ali’s works as a result of what transpired at the Pan-American: Conference touched off a flurry of activity on both sides of the Atlantic because the so-called “European” from both sides of the Atlantic knew what was coming as a result. The actions of Noble: Drew-Ali caused the so-called “Europeans” to assemble themselves to conspire and plot a way to deal with what they thought would be the re-emergence of the Moors to whom their respective countries are tributary to as they always have been [The U.S. And Barbary Powers by David Macritchie written in the 1800’s C.E. documents this fact].
Noble: Drew-Ali knew that the time of our [The Moors] resurrection had not come and knew that his days were numbered. In fact, Noble: Drew-Ali stated “ It will take you Moors 50 years to figure out what I have done. What I have done is not for you Moors but for the 3rd and 4th generation from now. There will be new Moors that will come with their eyes open seeing and knowing and they will set you old Moors in the back and carry out my law". The so-called “European” was horrified at the potential of our people rising 71 years ago yet Noble: Drew-Ali knew our minds were not ready then.
Nevertheless the so-called United:States, Great-Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal convened in Geneva, Switzerland for 5 continuous years [1928 C.E.-1932 C.E.] to set up what would be the policy of all of the participating countries. These 5 years of meetings became known as the Geneva-Convention. In 1930 C.E., the so-called United:States, Great-Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and Portugal all declared bankruptcy. Any attempt to obtain the minutes of the 1930 C.E. Geneva-Convention are futile because they publish the volumes of minutes for every year of the Geneva conventions including 1930 C.E. but refuse to make the 1930 C.E. minutes available to the public because they contain the evidence of the bankruptcy.
Going into 1932 C.E., the aforementioned states stopped meeting in Geneva. In 1932 C.E. Franklin-Roosevelt became the U.S.: President and his job was to put into place and administer the bankruptcy that the United:States had declared 2 years earlier and hide the bankruptcy from the unsuspecting public by establishing a re-organization plan [ The New Deal/Administrative State that functions under the “color” of the United States of America]. The United States of America and the United States for America along with the United-States: Constitution became defunct from that moment on and all that remained was the insolvent/bankrupt for profit corporation known as the United:States/UNITED STATES[Codified and documented in Title 26 of the Code of Federal Regulations section 1.911-2(h), In Re Merriam 36 NE 505. 141 N.Y. 479 upheld by the 16 S. Ct 1073. 163 U.S. 625 41 L.Ed 287 See also 16 Stat 419 and District-Of-Columbia-v-Cluss 103 U.S. 705.26-1 Ed.455] operating a democratic military venue
under martial law [War Powers Act] and the Uniform-Commercial-Code [Hebrew Commercial Law].
The so called “States” all revamped their local constitutions by 1938 C.E. to take into account their capitulation to the bankrupt mother corporation doing business as the United:States thus clearing the way for the Buck Act of 1940 allowing the corporate United:States to extend its jurisdiction and by default usurp all sovereignty over the now defunct State-Republics.
Getting back to Roosevelt, he was sworn into the United-States: Presidency in January 1933 C.E. and wasted no time getting started with the bankruptcy. Roosevelt immediately shut the banks down [Banking Holiday] and proceeded to pull all of the gold out of circulation while replacing it with a debt currency/tender/i.o.u. with the Moors’ seal [The pyramid with the all seeing eye] on the back of the U.S.: 1 dollar bill/federal reserve note.
The Clock of Destiny Book II by C.M.: Bey on page 6 states “ The Amazon red skin white moors’ progress was guided by the cycle of the planets Jupiter and Mars from 1789 C.E. to 1933 C.E., a period of 140 years. Mars passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac 72 times and Jupiter passes through the 12 signs of the zodiac 12 signs in a 140 years. Thus from 1789 C.E. to 1933 C.E. spelled the rise and fall of Rome on a universal scale [Take note of the Fasci symbols on both sides of the speakers podium in the U.S.: Congress]. Keeping in mind that the first 8 presidents were Moors and they were in power from 1776 C.E. to 1789 C.E. when the keys of power were transferred into the custodianship of the Mystic Turks [So-called “European” Masons] and Shriners that the Moors charged with the duty and responsibility of protecting our sacred shrine [New-Jerusalem/Washington, D.C.] and our sciences until we as a people arose from our state of spiritual, moral and ethical decay and awaken from our slumber to reclaim all that rightfully belongs to us from their custodianship.
The 9th U.S.: President, George-Washington was a Grand Master Mason under the tutorage of Emmanuel-Mu-Ali-Ben: Bey [Benjamin-Banneker]. George-Washington was the first and U.S.: President and Grand Master Mason Franklin Roosevelt was the last so-called “European” President to rule in that 140 year cycle.
Roosevelt knew that he was the last to rule in the 144 year progressive cycle of Roman universal influence when he established a new order or new deal idea and broke the Roman order by ruling for 12 years which is the measurement of man. When Roosevelt was giving those famous fireside chats, he knew what was taking place [ The beginning of the gradual return of the keys of power to the rightful owners, the Moors]. Everything that was taken from us [Moors] is quietly being prepared for its eventual return to us [Moors]; the gold [The U.S. is tributary to the Moors and they have to repay a 25 million dollars in gold loan that we made to the U.S.: Government in 1861 C.E. that the U.S.: Congress is responsible to repay which is why the seal of the Moors is on the back of the U.S. 1 dollar currency/tender/i.o.u.] and all of the land was taken and so called whites were reduced from landowner status to mere land user status. The land they murdered my ancestors for and stole so that they could fraudulently provide their silent cohorts/their people with fraudulent land grants, land patents, and allodial titles that those thieves and their descendants have no spirtual, moral, or ethical right to [ The same applies in Kenya, Zimbabwe, so-called South-africa, Australia, etc.] yet they claim they are a “God fearing nation”… If this is so, the Doctrine of Discovery from the Vatican which is still in force would cease to exist effective immediately. If this is so then the so called whites will gladly return our lands, repay the loan we made to them, make recompense to us for the Tuskegee Experiment, Emmitt Till, Maurice Bishop, The Berlin Conference, and way too much to list here [But don’t worry… We will get to that too!!!] to be in harmony with the God the so called “European” claims to love, honor, respect, and obey.
The United:States is bankrupt and its sovereignty is gone. The courts in the U.S. and the States are not solvent thus the Courts and Prosecutors cannot have nor bring a claim against anyone because as a bankrupt entity it has no authority to operate. Therefore the courts in the U.S. and the States cannot and will not resolve any issues. Technically, there are no more courts in the U.S. and the States. There are only private corporations doing business as quasi courts with magistrates and administrative judges (An administrative judge is not the same as a judge).
The U.S.: Bankruptcy is expressed in Franklin-Roosevelts’ Executive Order Numbers: 6073,6111, and 6260 (See U.S. Senate Report 93-549 pp. 187, 594) under Trading With The Enemy Act of 1917 codified as United-States-Code: Title: 12: Section: 95a: House Joint Resolution 192 of June 5, 1933 C.E. confirmed in Perry-v-U.S.
(1933), case site 294 U.S. 330-381 and United-States-Code: Title: 31: Sections: 5112 and 5119.
United-States: President: William-J-Clinton and his staff as well as his successors, and U.S.: Speaker: J-Dennis-Hastert are well aware of the re-emergence of the Moors on the global scene in the form of the Amexem-Moor-Empire. All of the aforementioned parties know that the day they or their successors return the keys of power to the original and legitimate owner, the Moors is rapidly approaching.
Dr. Malachi York

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Do you eat EGGS???

Most people who eat or consume eggs and products made with eggs are not consciously aware of the reality of what eggs are and what they represent. Now I don’t presume to know everything, but I do know about or am aware of the overwhelmingly majority of things I do (and say), especially regarding the things I eat or consume or put on my body. I don’t mess around or take any chances when it comes to food and beverage. I am a very conscious, fastidious, and disciplined consumer of food and beverage and I only consume victuals.If you eat eggs, there are some things you should know about eggs. First of all, what is an egg? The word “egg” is defined as: 1a. A female reproductive cell; ovum. B. the round or oval reproductive body of various animals, such as birds, reptiles, fishes, and insects, containing the embryo and covered with a shell or membrane. 2. A hen’s egg used as food. ]. American Heritage Dictionary (2001), 4th edition, pg. 274So for those of us who don’t or didn’t know it, at least consciously, eggs pertain to female ovum. The egg contains bio-genetic makeup of its parent organism and to know something about that egg, we must know something about the progenitor of that egg.Now most humans eat eggs that are not from their species, which is a very unintelligent thing to do. Most eggs eaten by humans come from fowl or birds, who have a very different bio-genetic and molecular structural makeup than humans. It was customary for those growing up on farms to get their eggs from hens. But today, most eggs consumed today are derived from chicken, a grafted animal that is coprophagous (dung eater) by nature. And remember, you ARE what you EAT! Eating eggs will most certainly change or alter your bio-chemical, genetic, and molecular makeup as a human and make you susceptible to a host of unnatural diseases and pathologies, especially of a sexual reproductive nature.Since the parent organism of the eggs commonly consumed today is coprophagous by nature, those who eat eggs are also being programmed on a chemical, biological, and genetic level to be coprophagous. Human beings today actually eat dung or feces. When you eat a whole (though dead) creature such as a lobster, shrimp, or crab, are you not eating their entrails? When you eat stinking, foul-smelling chitterlings or chitt-lins (shit-lins), what animal organ are you eating? You’re eating the intestines or entrails of a pig, also a grafted and coprophagous animal. The entrails hold the feces or dung of the animal. It was also reported in February of this year (2003) by KCAL 9 television station in Los Angeles, that chocolate contains rat feces and all the major brands of chocolate manufacturers admit this startling fact. Many people love to eat chocolate and therefore are secondhand rat “doo doo” eaters - - and LOVE IT to their scrumptious delight!!!Often times we hear people say “so and so is full of shit!” But you know what? Most people are “full of shit” literally, especially meat eaters.In addition to eating feces and dung, many people are outright embryo eaters. It makes no sense for a female or woman to eat eggs, especially considering the fact that she already has eggs called ovum. A female egg eater should learn to eat her own eggs (ovum). Females of a sexual mature age ovulate on a monthly basis. If it makes no sense for a female to eat eggs, then it really doesn’t make sense for a male to eat eggs. Eggs correlate to female hormonal activity (estrogen). Estrogen plays an almost non-existent (though significant) role in male masculine makeup, so when a male eat eggs, he is actually altering his masculine makeup. Men produce sperm or semen to fertilize an egg, and this activity is not dependent upon eating eggs, nor is human female ovulation activity.Humans would be wise to eat their own reproductive secretions (sperm) and excreta (eggs, ovum), instead of eating the reproductive excreta from a lower creature with an entirely different chemical and biological makeup.Many people love eating scrambled eggs for breakfast, but humans can make their own scrambled egg by purchasing ovaries (surgically removed) from a local hospital and sperm from a local sperm bank. Take the ovaries (full of ovum, probably “dead” of course) and blend them in a blender into a puree. Then take the sperm and mix it with the ovum puree and pour it into a pan of cooking oil; add a little cow snot (milk), and then season it with some crude oil extract (salt) and mucous membrane irritant (pepper); stir it up real good, and within minutes you have some “human-based” scrambled eggs. You see, by eating our own embryo and excreta, we can leave the chicken and hen eggs alone; after all, the chicken egg is not human food or food for humans. The chicken and hen egg is for the perpetuation of the chicken species. Common sense should tell us this, but the majority of people, dum dums, useless eaters, and comatose walking dead (as Dr. Delbert Blair calls them) are not aware of the faculty of common sense because they bought into the scheme of things in this society (the Matrix, Web, or Net).Eating eggs causes a host of diseases and pathologies. Eggs play a pivotal role in all female reproductive diseases, e.g. fibroid tumors, uterine cysts, breast cancer and tumors, menstrual irregularities, etc. Also, since these chicken eggs that many people eat are STERILIZED or infertile due to the sterilization process to prevent them from rotting (decaying), when women and men eat these eggs, they are in fact blindly helping to impair their own sexual fertility and potency. This is very true! Everything you eat negatively or positively, natural or unnatural, affects you and your entire being. So yes, eggs play a role in infertility and impotence.Eggs also play a role in high cholesterol. Believe the hype on that.Egg consumption is implicated in prostate woes. Some men who frequent bars eat a boiled egg (with salt) and drink beer at the same time - a very foolish thing to do under the notion that eating eggs make a man more sexually potent. Please! When have you seen a jackrabbit in the wild eat eggs to make him more sexually active and potent? Never! Eggs can’t compare to certain herbs such as Yohimbe, Horny Goat Weed, Damiana, and Muira Puama.You should also know that since corporate farms (which are really high rise buildings) have genetically engineered their own birds for evil corporate purposes, they are also producing and marketing the eggs from these Frankenstein creatures. These Frankenstein chicken creatures are pumped with batches of synthetic female estrogen hormone to make the creatures develop bigger and to also produce more eggs. The scary thing to me is that since the companies have the patent on these genetically engineered creatures, they have the rights on their byproducts – the eggs. Therefore, these genetically-engineered chicken-like creatures (who don’t have feet, feathers, or beaks) produce eggs that are naturally sterile and devitalized and will not hatch under any circumstances. These are the eggs many of you are eating today and don’t have a clue about!Those of us who grew up on farms know that original chicken or hen eggs are brown, not white. The white eggs are the sign of a mutant creature or strange fertilization and/or egg production environment. These corporate farms put their chicken creatures (natural and unnatural chickens) in rooms where there is light 24 hours so that these creatures will lay eggs throughout the day. This process is unnatural as farm chicken and hens usually lay eggs right before sunrise. Alvenia Fulton (Dick Gregory’s health mentor) exposed this fact many years ago when it was not the norm for a black person to be a vegetarian or vegan. Even the Messenger Elijah Muhammad [Leader of the Nation of Islam] refused to overtly teach vegetarianism. His reasoning was that if he espoused vegetarianism, not one Negro would join Islam. Dr. Sebi (famous herbalist located in Los Angeles) told me this same thing to my face a few years ago, as he said he spoke to the Messenger directly.And don’t be fooled by the hype of the titles “farm-fed,” “grain-fed,” or “free range” that you commonly see on certain health food brand egg cartons. They don’t usually mean what you think they mean, and even if they did, fowl egg is not fit for human consumption. Humans have no business eating eggs, whether from a bird or other humans. Plain and simple! You must rise from your consciousness stupor and take personal responsibility of what you put into your body – the Temple of God.And for the people into the foolish “protein” craze, if you think eating egg whites are a source of protein, you are out of your mind. Egg whites are toxic waste! If you ate an egg raw (which would be unwise), you’d get a little protein (which would eventually lead to impotence and cancer if you did it on a long term basis); but remember people, an egg must first be BOILED in order to get what is called the “egg white.” Boiling is an unnatural process that greatly alters the chemical and molecular composition of the egg. A boiled egg is 100% different than a raw egg. A boiled egg is not the same thing as a raw egg. It is greatly altered! So think over this the next time you decide to eat a boiled egg for protein. And the same thing goes for you women and mothers out there too when you decide to feed your children boiled eggs for breakfast.Many vegan-vegetarians out there are greatly slipping in their fastidiousness and consumer awareness when shopping and eating certain well known vegetarian brands of food. Folks, you must read those labels. Many of you like Boca burgers and patties. Well, many of these Boca brands utilize eggs and dairy products. Even though the rates (ingredient measurement) may be 2%, it’s still in there and you can’t be a vegan eating animal by-products. The same thing applies to certain nondairy cheeses that contain “casein,” which is a milk protein. It’s not easy out there trying to eat healthy, but we must put up a fight to do so. And of course, it’s far better to eat a nondairy or non-meat product that contains a little dairy or meat than to outright eat 100% dairy or meat products. We must utilize discretion!If you are confused about food additives and ingredients, purchase the book “A Consumer’s Dictionary of Food Additives” by Ruth Winter, M.S. [ISBN # 0-609-80366-2] and take it with you when you go shopping. Either leave it in your car or carry it around in your purse (if you’re a woman).And for the women (and men) who still perform the archaic function of cooking, when your recipes call for eggs, use “Egg Replacer” instead of eggs. Egg Replacer is an alternative non-animal and non-egg product that is available at most good health food stores.A last note on our subject – eggs are, by nature, reptilian food. It is common for snakes, lizards, and alligators to eat eggs. I don’t want to get spooky on you out there in the reading audience, but the reptilian beings (aliens) out there who are running things on planet Earth, have many of the earth’s population (especially the Western world) eating meat, dairy products, and eggs to lower their frequency and to also break down their immune system, keeping the population in a confused and diseased state and making it very easy for these reptilian beings to control humans. The reptilian takeover of the planet was shown in the 1980s television series “V”, and the alien control of American society was themed in the movie “They Live” (1989), which you might want to re-watch. Whether you believe in this or not, eggs are most definitely reptilian food and NOT human food (victual).And of all people, Africans especially have no business eating eggs. Africans include African-Americans. Africans, especially in America, are the sickest individuals on the planet and Africans should do whatever is incumbent upon them to do in order to improve their diet and lifestyle. The same thing goes for Caucasians, Latinos, Asians and all others people of the planet. Thank you for reading and I hope you extracted some useful information from this article.

Lil Wayne Georgia Bush

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ACT 6 -- With us all members must proclaim their nationality and we are teaching our people their nationality and their Divine Creed that they must know that they part and parcel of this Said Government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the earth, this is the reason why Allah the Great God of the Universe ordained Noble Drew Ali, the Prophet to redeem his people from their sinful ways. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites who inhabited the North Western and South Western shores of Africa.


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