Member Since: 9/17/2006
Band Members: The Electric Funeral:
Altruizine / Ancient Mariner /
better people /
Cat People /
Chartreuse / Eiliyas /
Elephant 666 Orchestra /
Garbage Island / The Green Knight /
Killick /
Long Legged Woman /
Mad Onion Burger / Magic Lantern / nicolasTone /
Owl Xounds /
Sailor Winters /
SFCD / Smokedog /
Sweet Teeth /
Telenovela / Totally Dad
Influences: Clint Eastwood westerns, PBR, fried chicken, Sun Ra, and shizz like that. Yeah, we can probably all agree on Sun Ra.
Sounds Like: Label profile on Foxy Digitalis .
Long Legged Woman:
+ Like an old security camera tape of the Velvet Underground in an endless hall of mirrors.
+ ...two wizards for a shamanicoïde.
+ An endless rain of suffocating feedback and heavily treated loops...
+ orchestra tuning in a backwards harmony.
+ ...a charcoal-hued ambient guitar drone with the epic thrust of a video game RGP overture.
Sweet Teeth:
+'s kind of like a night of genre-busting improv at a sweaty roadhouse.
+ Sounding like tribal beats deep within a cavern, [Sweet Teeth] brings a howling justice to the minds of the listener.
better people:
+ echo chamber of psychotropic amplifier belches and disembodied voices
TRHP, in general:
+ In any case, [Thor's Rubber Hammer] has not only begun to document the deep underground of the Athens scene, but has also, by way of providing an outlet for it, inspired more creative energy in this area. So, hell yeah. -Flagpole
Type of Label: Indie