Mmhmm landcookie mmM profile picture

Mmhmm landcookie mmM

About Me

"DIAL TONE I'm sitting in a phone booth on the sidewalk, in a shopping center in Cincinnati, Ohio, listening to the dial tone. I am also counting the little holes in the ear and mouthpiece of the phone but that is only a secondary activity the dial tone is the soundtrack for. As far as I'm concerned, this dial tone is the most important activity going on in this whole shopping center right now, although that dumb fuck in the T-shirt and bermuda shorts who just now peered in at me as he walked by would no doubt disagree. What that dumb fuck needs is to get his brain reamed out with the dull end of a dial tone some day and maybe he won't be so goddamn nosy. Goddamn nosiness anyhow. I don't give a goddamn what any of 'em out there do, I'm not nosy. As far as I'm concerned it's every bit one enormous colossal fucking goddamn bore. As far as I'm concerned, these sights I'm seeing through all these little windows in my booth are just bad movies projected from somewhere on the other side. I'm in a little room where the walls are movie screens, a very futuristic idea, you dig? Like, you don't go to movies anymore. You don't go in some big room with a lot of other people. You just drop your dime in the slot and go in a little one-man booth by yourself and they project wierd movies onto the walls, play movies all around you, under your feet, over your head, and what you do is sit on this little seat and pick up the sound track over a telephone, and what the sound track is today ladies and gentlemen is pure, uninterrupted dial tone. Yes sir. Stick with us and well show and ever-changing panorama to your eyes while your ears are soothed by wonderful dial tone. It's like a long column of dark blue smoke winding through your ear and down all the little avenues of your brain. It curls, it winds, it coils, there's something very snakelike about a dial tone. It's smoky, but there's a lot about it that makes you think of snakes as well. It's like a snake so long it's head and tail are completely lost, all you can see is his long smooth body rippling around your brain, sliding in it and through it and up and down it, along all the secret avenues and hidden passageways and tunnels of your brain. Don't be nervous about this snake. Treat this snake right and he'll do the right t hings inside your head, watch him and he will show you places in your brain you didn't even know were there. And yet, it's just a sound, an ordinary dial tone on the telephone, it's just a simple sound tract for the movie about a very angry lady standing around outside the theater, waiting her turn inside."The Last Whole Earth Catalog

My Interests

magazines, bicycling, dancing, dj's, records, yard sale, time sequenced, fashion, photos, magazines, textures, laundry rooms, casualties, pop rocks, collections, compilations, mirror shards, ribbons, maps, the post office, stages and curtains, phone books, mysteries and reconnessaince, spies, sharpies, flour, photocopies, keys and bracelets, spatial harmony, random elevator encounters and the holidays(to an extent), graffitti, +groundscores(hunting and gathering techniques).


El Guapo, Black Eyes, Luomo, Vladislav Delay, Uusitalo,JUNE 1967 tape, Atmosphere, Portishead, Ratatat, Gram Parsons, Calexico, Viva Voche, Dead Moon, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club,Hot Hot Heat, Scizzor Sistors, Deltron 3030, Brian Jonestown Massacre, Aceyalone, Louis the 1V, Metric, Wolf Parade, Islands, Architecture in Helinski, The Clash, The Rondelles, Lay Low, Dresden Dolls, Black Flag, Heart, Unwound, them on Kill Rock Star Records (Gravy Train), Against Me, The Faint, Billy Holiday, Accordians and Harmonicas, Heart, Peachs, Tom Waits, Black Heart Prosesion, Dead Science, Parenthetical Girls, The Zombies, The Who, Crass, Black Flag, Elliot Smith, The Cars, The Tubes, Jawbreaker


Chumscrubbers, Aqua Teen Hunger Force Movie, GRINDHOUSE, Flight of the Navigator, Goddard, Fellini, Brown Bunny, Mysterious Skin, Brick, Borat, BodyVox (, Austin Powers (thefirstone), Running With Scissors, The Black Dahlia, lEANARD cohen I'm your Man, Spelling Bee, Metropolis, Modern Daydreams, Downtown, Blow, Requim For a Dream. SLC PUNK, Me and You and Everyone we Know, Amelie, Milo and Otis, Memento, Jesus Camp, Punky Brewster, Casper the Ghost, Taxi Driver


sealab 2021


Dear Diary, The Man Who Fell To Earth by Walter Tevis, Up The Down Staircase, The Ginger Man, The Alchemist, Lullaby, Naked, Sellovision, Diary, The Psycology of Winning, The Mysterious Incident That Happened in the Night, Tortilla Flat, Running With Scissors, Lullaby, Doctor Zhivago, The Joy Of Sex, How to Talk Your Way into Anything, The Type O Woman, The Chelsea Horror Hotel, I Like You, Maggie; A Girl of the Streets, I'm With The Band, The Little Lame Prince, Vonnegut, Follet, Steinbeck, Bradbury, Hans Anderson, The Phantom Tollbooth, A Dog Named Kitty, Harliquin novels, Uncle Shelby's ABZ


My Dad made this for me!

My Blog

Just another day in the life of me

I fucking HATE technology. Somehow everything i just typed is gone. I'm so mad at my lack of motivation to feel like a justifiable badass. I can't even remember what I typed. I got into a fight with m...
Posted by Noodles on Thu, 02 Aug 2007 01:06:00 PST


Yes, teeth have suddenly become a more in my face day to day subject. Or whatever is left of them.  Anyway, fuck your dentist, go to OHSU on the hill to the dentistry school, the prices are super...
Posted by Noodles on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:37:00 PST