paper/upper/ cuts profile picture

paper/upper/ cuts

your ass is like an onion...make a brotha' wanna cry!!!

About Me

so this is somethin' new. i am now finally playing on my own as paper/upper/cuts, and this will in turn be the beginning of an endless endeavor, which will ultimately be awe-inspiring. in the very near future, i will be recording my progress and will express them here for your distaste or pleasure... whichever.

My Interests

jazzErcizing/Laughing @ oLd folK/wakinG peopLe in tHeir sLeep/takinG sPicy dumPs in tHe fOrest...and anYthinG tO Do wiTh musiC.

I'd like to meet:


The uP oN iN, bLacK hEarT pRoCeSsiOn, nOtwIsT, PriMe MeRidIan Of thE WorLd, TalkDemoNic, QuiEt CounTriEs, TorToiSe, The SeA And CaKe, IsoTopE 217, AmeRicAn FoOtbALL, OwEn, GodsPeEdyOuBlacKEmpErOr!!!, tHe ForTh, pInbAck, tHe BoOkS, DiaNogAh, EuPhoNe, cAliPhoNe, eLLiOtT sMiTh, pRefUse73, dJ KrUsH, pLaiD, SqArEpUsHer, aMoN ToBiN, TaRaNtULa, dOvEs, NeuTraL miLk HoTeL, rOllErBaLL, sAvAth&sAvaLaS, pLuS/mInUs, tHe aLbuM lEaF, sOndRe LerChE, jOan Of aRc, cReEpY oLd tRucKs, maTtHew dEaR, tHe aRcaDe FiRe, tHe RooTs oF OrcHiS, AlaN siNgLeY & tHe PanTs mAcHinE, bOarDs oF cAnaDa, mEdEsKI, mARtiN & woOd, BonoBo, bUmBle bEes81, bLonDe rEdhEad, 90 dAy mEn, TV oN tHe rADio, bAdly dRaWn bOy, rAtaTaT, dOn CabaLLeRo, aLaSkA!, uNiT, mIrAh, cEsAria EvoRa, dJanGo ReinHaRdT, tHe DeaRs, AuTeChRe, tHe NatuRaL HisToRy, fReNcH KicKs, BroKen sOciaL sCenE, eNgiNe dOWn, ThE ciNeMatiC oRchEstRa, fOurTeT, sEcRecT fReqUenCy cReW, FroM mOnuMenT tO mAssEs, sUn KiLL moOn, FreNcH PadDlE bOaT, tArEnteL, gRanDaDDy,ThE mErCurY prOGraM, KaraTe, eXpLosiOns iN tHe skY, bEacHwoOd sParkS, qUaSi, pOor riCh OneS, bOdYsOnG, fLaminGLipS, sOniC yOutH, nIcK dRaKe, sUnNy daY reAL esTaTe, sPoOn, aiR, sAm PreKoP, sTerEoLaB, JunO, pLeaSe sTeP ouT Of ThE vEhiCLe, aMericAn aNaLoG seT, lOw, tiN hAT triO, yO La tEnGo, maNiShiVitZ, iDa, tHe sHins, hEliO seQueNcE, FieRy fUrnaCeS, beCk haNsoN, mOuse On mArs, aPheX tWiN, waGon cHrIsT, cOmMoN, a TribE CaLLeD QueSt, PharcYdE, dE La soUL, diGGaBlE pLaneTs, FeLa kUti, KooL kIetH, pEopLe unDer ThE stAiRs, TheLonIuS mOnK, RoN CarTer, CounT BasIe, JeLLy rOLL mOrToN, OscAr PetErsOn, eTTa bAkEr, eDitH PiaF,aRt BlaKeY, mAx RoACh, mF doOm, tHe meTeRs, mAnu ChaO, tHe sNugGLe uPs, dJ taN't, niCe NicE, tHe roOtS, mAd LiB, PeanUt ButTeR wOLf, MuLatU oF EthiOpIa, mOzaRt, tHe CraNeS, Ui, TranS Am, Xiu xiU, fUcK, nObuKaZu taKeMuRa, WateRy GrAveS, wEen, BoOzOo baJoU, DiSmeMbeRmeNt pLaN, mOjaVe 3, dEvO, boOm bIp, a GraPe dOpE, pOinT juNcTurE, wA. , heLLa, dYkeRitZ, thE aMeriCaS, skaLpEL, bUrNiNg aiRLinEs, caFe tacVbA, aTTacK caT, dAbaDaWikiDuMduM, a SiLveR mT. ziOn, kiNgS Of coNvEniEnCe, maTEs oF sTaTe, Q aNd nOt U, pOLvo, sLinT, pOrTisHeaD, thE zOmbiEs, tHe vELveT tEeN, mOdeRnsTatE, JagA jAzZisT, ruMah SaKiT, paRLouR, huNgrY GhOstS, ThuGa, CoLemaN HawKinS, CesaRia EvOra, iRoN & wiNe, hOrsE fEatHerS, sLeEpY heaD, duB nArCotiC sOunD sYstEm, JunIor PRivAte DetECtivE, bS 2000, thE eELs, FaiLurE, JarRitoS dE mIeL, dEz hOPE, HaLo beNdErs, gOmeZ, hOpe oF thE sTaTes, jUnE Of 44, 31 kNotS, kiNg cRimSon, pAveMeNt, ArTiE sHaW, tHe MaYBe HapPeNinG, sMOg, mAtmoS, bEnnY goOdmAn, tHe RainCoaTs, rJd2, AniMaL sTiCheS, The cLasH, BrOkebacK, BueNa VisTa sOciaL cLuB, WiLdinG, BurniNg in WaTer, quaNtiC, bEuLah, EnoN, sT. etiEnnE, tWo lOnE sWorDsmaN, riChaRd YouNgs, mOgwAi, feLa KuTi, siGur rOs, Wes mOntGomEry, LeaDbEllY, tHe ReNtALs, MuDDy waTeRs, ColD-cUt, dJ sPoOkY, cOLTranE, FruiT baTs, miLt JacKsOn, Red sTars TheoRy, tHe VacAnT, cOpY, tHe PasTeLs, jOhN vaNdErsLiCe, D. banHart, diRtY-thReE, ClifForD brOwN, ThaLia ZedEk, Eno, OOIOO, vOtE rObOt, piT eR Pat, oRnettE cOlemAn, p:aNo, cHarLes MinGus, JefF paRkeR, fLanGer, Des aRk, aKrOn/faMilY, caNnOnBalL aDderlY, thE eVenS, herBiE maNn, diOs maLos, wiTneSs tHe fiTnEsS, boOkeR t anD thE mGs', aSa cHang anD Jun raY, thE miCorpHoneS, yuSif LateEf, giL scOtt, the joGgeRs, puRdiE p, qUasiMoTo, pErcEe p, gRaiLs, tHe RacHelS, mUsLimGauZe, tHe kaYgEEs, tHe cOmmOdoRes, this is roCkeT scieNce, dOsH, pLease sTep oUt oF thE VehiCle, baTtlEs, hOt liPs paGe, pEr-Se, Two toN sLoTh...


TeLeVisiOn, fUck...