Art, sport, people, and coffee and chat.
Who Should Paint You: Salvador Dali
You're a complex, intense creature who displays many layers.
There's no way a traditional portrait could ever capture you!
What Artist Should Paint Your Portrait?
I would like to meet new friends and other creative people.
I am not much of a music listener, but a big fan of Pink Floyd. Aother great band is Eulogy, who you can find on myspace, you should check them out !
Fav movies are, Usual suspects, Fight club, True romance, Deer hunter, you get the picture !
I watch it but my mind is usually else where.
Not a fan of books !!! Never found reading relaxing. Others reading time is my drawing time. The few I have read are Hell raiser, The lair, Diary of Anne Frank.
Mum and Dad top that list. Others are Sebastian Coe, Steve Ovett, Steve Cram, Daly Thompson, Paul Gaugain, Escher, HR Giger, Salvador Dali and Pink floyd.
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