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About Me

Thanks for stopping by.
Some rights reserved. All artwork, music and lyrics are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 License.
If you are interested in doing a collaboration, just send me, Tiara Robertson, a request and we can work out the details :)
Your music must be ORIGINAL and not under any type of copyright protection, unless it is by your own doing. If it is under copyright protection you will need to write out a written letter of approval by hand for us to use the music, sign it, and then scan it into a picture and send it to me at the following e-mail address, [email protected] So that I may post it up in the sites pictures.
Again, and I can not stress this enough, THE WORK MUST BE ORIGINAL, we do not find any joy in the theft and abuse of someone else's artistic expression!
Also I need the details of the copyright so that I may post them into the song description on the blog. If the song does not have a copyright, then a creative commons, non-distribution license will be added to the song. For more information on creative commons copyrights please go to the following link:
How it usually works is someone will send me a sample of music and I will create and sing the lyrics for the piece, then the creator of the music will edit the vocals together with the music and send it back to me so I can post it up here on the site. I SUCK at editing music, seriously...
If you would like to write your own Lyrics and simply want me to perform them that can be arranged as well, however you will have to give me some idea of how you would like the melody to go.
We do not sell music as this is just for fun and a way to improve upon our own individual artistic talents. Everyone receives credit for the work they have put forth, because lets face it, someone else getting credit for your own hard work and thought is just bullshit.
This page does not simply stop with Music, if you would like to collaborate on a piece of artwork other than music, again send me a message with the details and when it is finished it will be posted under the photos art section.
Thanks for your time and interest, Tiara Robertson

My Interests


Member Since: 15/07/2007
Band Members: This is a page of collaboration between many different artists, names will appear in song description as to who has worked on that particular song.
Influences: Lots and lots of different music...We've pretty much got a taste of everything.
Sounds Like: A Melting Pot...
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Point Of View

Music And Editing By - Chuck RobertsonLyrics and Vocals by - Tiara RobertsonAvailable for free download.Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Noncommercial-No...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 03:58:00 GMT

International Bitter Day

Music & editing By Fami Redawan - IndonesiaLyrics and vocals by Tiara Robertson - USAAvailable for free download.Some rights reserved. This work is licensed under a CreativeCommons Attribution-Noncomm...
Posted by on Sun, 12 Jul 2009 02:50:00 GMT