kali_lunar_diamond profile picture


life is a gift fed by death(rebirth) & death (rebirth) is a gift fed by life..it is all an evach

About Me

My Interests

...........CHECK OUT MY GALLERY THERE'S VISUAL PRAYER'S OF GREATFULLNESS IN THERE TO SHARE WEEHEEEEEEEE .................. i'm a very easily ammused person i find the bliss in everything so this list could go on foreva but i'll try n keep it palletable for the physical realm. i find existing one of the most interesting things in the world quite often mesmerised by the infinite bliss as i walk through the maze of my own finger tip (one of those people who look at there hand like they've never seen one b4) i spend a lot of time emptying myself so that i can be filled with whateva divine channel is me in each new moment. i'm adddicted to listening to the song of existance, being my vibrational self n being constantly sung to harmoniously by the divine in all existing thing & nothings. i luv music, playing my flute is an intense trans inducing meditation, one that reaveals all my truths to me which can be very confronting & constantly humbling. Thers's no hiding my shit under a rug with the flute it brings everything my body try's to hide from me & smax me straight in the 3rd eye with it. drawing,i love dancing till i crack what eva im dancin on open & massage MAEARTHS heart with my dancin, lovn feet. basket weaving (meditating on the constant spiral & creating a sumbol of an emty vessel that may be filled with an answer, a peace that passes all understanding, love, heaing or what eva i need to be open to receiving in the moment to be I AM) painting, dissapearing, timetravelling, magik carpet riding, going from one port hole to bliss to the next, flowers, insects, vibration, becoming more n more at one with formlessness, loving, living & learning. lovin my lover, skin ( im very interested in skin it feels good tastes good mmmmmmmmmm skin is good). black hair . chocolate. blissing, reflections, water, the reflections on waterdrops on leaves, fire, earth, crazy strong breezes, rain, my verandah, olives, avacados, seeds, sprouts, lemons & PARSLEY. fruit. fitting as many chakra orgasms into a day as i can BABOOM

I'd like to meet:

............................................................ ............................................................ ......................................................... check out the sites of the beautyfild beings below its a reminder that the world is wonderfild lush blissfild & divine IMAGE-NATION. BABOOM thanku...................................................... ............................................................ ....................the magic of kali lunar diamond is available in prints (of pen sketches) &/or enamel on canvas if ur keen contact via email. WEHEEEEEEE [email protected]





My Blog


wings You allready have your wings................when you finally cry out to the sky & ask for your wings, you'll be faced with all of your fears, because it is your fears burdening your wings wi...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 02:34:00 PST


i hav had three basic "affirmations" mindsets that hav revealed to me that i hav a choice in every moment to either connect to the curse or to the blessing, a type of personal alchemy y...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 08:11:00 PST

Check out this video: Marissa Swentkowski Contortionist on Star Search 2003 in genie

Check out this video: Marissa Swentkowski Contortionist on Star Search 2003 in genie Add to My Profile | More Videos...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 02:05:00 PST

as strong as a flower

As Strong as a Flower i sit at the edge of a cliff, as a flower, with my roots in as far as they can go, and when the wind of change comes i'll see if i stay or go. If it is a wind to withstand, my ro...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:28:00 PST

no particular way

No Particular Way yaweh jah's way doorway (into) your way my way our way the way all way (s) a way yaweh jah's way no particular way just a way what eva one is your way kalilunardiamond*...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Wed, 31 Oct 2007 08:12:00 PST

stories of unconditional love in the trees

i had a tree visit me kiss me hello & tell me it had a story ( lesson ) for me, it's power so potent & gentle,  i feel it must be shared . i hope u enjoy. "A grown tree does not look at a...
Posted by kali_lunar_diamond on Fri, 26 Oct 2007 08:23:00 PST