Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} profile picture

Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK}

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About Me

One of the cooling plants (no 4) of the Ukraine’s Lenin Nuclear power facility at Chernobyl experienced a melt-down, which released thousands of tons of nuclear radiation (300 times more lethal than the combined releases from atomic bombs at Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 into the Eastern European atmosphere.
The catastrophe immediately devastated cities, villages, farms, crops and food supplies in and around Chernobyl and the northern Ukraine and the bordering countries of Belarus and Western Russia. The southern winds blew a life-threatening nuclear cloud north over northern Ukraine and the Republic of Belarus, showering down radioactive nuclides iodine, caesium, plutonium, strontium, on the countryside poisoning the citizens of all three countries.Over 70% of these invisible toxins rained down on northern Ukraine and Belarus, creating what is called the “The Chernobyl Zone” a highly contaminated area that some scientists believe will take about 25000 years to recover.The issue of exactly how many people died or have suffered serious illness as a direct or indirect result of the Chernobyl disaster is controversial, and has become caught up in the debates between those for and against nuclear power.The Chernobyl Forum report prepared by UN agencies and the governments of Belarus, Ukraine and the Russian Federation “Chernobyl’s Legacy: Health, Environmental and Socio-Economic Impacts” confirms that “Childhood thyroid cancer caused by radioactive iodine fallout is one of the main health impacts of the accident. Doses to the thyroid received in the first few months after the accident were particularly high in those who were children at the time and drank milk with high levels of radioactive iodine. By 2002, more than 4,000 thyroid cancer cases have been diagnosed in this group, and it is most likely that a large fraction of these thyroid cancers is attributable to radioiodine intake.”The same report, while stating that it is impossible to assess reliably and with precision the numbers of fatal cancers caused by radiation exposure due to the Chernobyl accident refers to the conclusions of an international expert group that among the 600,000 persons receiving more significant exposures, the possible increase in cancer mortality “might be up to a few per cent. This might eventually represent up to four thousand fatal cancers in addition to the approximately 100,000 fatal cancers to be expected due to all other causes in this population.”

At Camps for Children of Chernobyl we do not profess to be experts in epidemiology or public health statistics. We want to make life better for some of the children suffering serious illnesses such as thyroid cancer resulting from this disaster. There have been 150 of these children at our camps to date, selected on the basis of medical need by leading physicians from their own country. Every one of them is an individual, and those are the statistics that matter most to us.The remaining environmental and ecological consequences of the Chernobyl accident and subsequent radiation spills into the environments of Eastern Europe have not been fully realized or totally assessed by the World’s health and scientific communities.Camps For Children Of Chernobyl is a non-profit humanitarian aid organization supporting the children and families of Ukraine, Belarus and western Russia.
OUR AIMS :- To bring to the United Kingdom children whose health has been severely affected by the Chernobyl nuclear disaster for recuperative holidays.To assist with where possible children who need special medical treatment, provided by us via private sector sponsors, if it is not available to them in their countries. To send medical and other humanitarian aid to various hospitals orphanages and any such establishment within the affected regions of Belarus, Ukraine and western Russia. To inculcate public awareness of the implications and plight of those affected by the world worst nuclear catastrophe.
To read about Summer Camp Programme Benefits Click Here

Please help us help the Children.
1.Add us to your friends list & put our profile into your Top Friends & help promote us to the World.
This is the main objective of this Myspace Profile - To Raise a Global Awareness Of What We Do. If You Can Also Make a Donation no matter how small or big that is a bonus thankyou.
2.We greatly appreciate donations even $1.00 it all helps as we need to raise funding for our 2007 Camps Programme & Trips delivering vital Medical Supplies & Humanitarian Aid.
Below you can donate money via PayPal.
Your Donation will go towards providing desperately needed Medical Supplies, Life Saving Medicine and Humanitarian Aid.It also supports the very important respite care programme.Read 2007's Brochure here , and find the leaflet here both in PDF.

We apologise if you have not recieved a reply back to your message - Dave & I are busy offline with raising funds for the Summer Camp & we are finding it tricky to find adequate time to respond to you all.

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Camps For Children Of Chernobyl - Summer Camp

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CONTACT Executive Director UK

International Information Platform on Chernobyl
This Myspace Profile Is Being Promoted & Maintained By UK Music Producer & Complete Mind Therapist Rob Phoenix/Martin. Rob is assisting the UK Director Dave Chatfield in the near future to set up a "Lay Conselling" Network Within the Region around Chernobyl.
Medical Services are stretched & not much is done to assist with the Mental Scars so Rob is aiming to help address this issue.
If you would like to assist With the Lay Conselling Project Please get in touch.
Watch this site for more info...

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Disclaimer :- We cannot be held responsible for the content or views of any of our Myspace Friends but wish to warmly thank every single one of our friend's for your support. Please let us know if you add us into your Top Friends.
Drawing By Chernobyl Child



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Life for these children unfortunately is grim...


The most we can do is prepare and hold open the space where the miraculous may happen
One hundred years from now it will
Not matter what kind of house
I lived in, what kind of car
I drove, how much I had
In my bank account nor what
My clothes looked like.
But the world may be a little
Better because I was important
In the life of a child
This is the true joy in life,
the being used for a purpose recognized by yourself as a mighty one;
The being a force of nature instead of a feverish selfish little clod of ailments and grievances complaining that the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as I live it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can.
I want to be thoroughly used when I die, for the harder I work the more I live.
I rejoice in life for its own sake.
Life is no “brief candle” to me.
It is a sort of splendid torch, which I have got hold of for the moment, and I want to make it burn as brightly as possible before handing it on to future generations.
Author Unknown.


We can neither expiate nor rectify
the mistakes and misery of that April.
The bowed shoulders of a conscience awakened
must bear the burden of torment for life.
It's impossible, believe me,
to overpower
or overhaul
our pain for the lost home.
Pain will endure in the beating hearts
stamped by the memory of fear.
surrounded by prickly bitterness,
our puzzled town asks:
since it loves us
and forgives everything,
why was it abandoned forever?
At night, of course, our town
though emptied forever, comes to life.
There, our dreams wander like clouds,
illuminate windows with moonlight.
There trees live by unwavering memories,
remember the touch of hands.
How bitter for them to know
there will be no one for their shade
to protect from the scorching heat!
At night their branches quietly rock
our inflamed dreams.
Stars thrust down
onto the pavement,
to stand guard until morning . . .
But the hour will pass . . .
Abandoned by dreams,
the orphaned houses
whose windows
have gone insane
will freeze and bid us farewell! . . .
We've stood over our ashes;
now what do we take on our long journey?
The secret fear that wherever we go
we are superfluous?
The sense of loss
that revealed the essence
of a strange and sudden kinlessness,
showed that our calamity is not
shared by those who might, one day,
themselves face annihilation?
. . . We are doomed to be left behind by the flock
in the harshest of winters . . .
You, fly away!
But when you fly off
don't forget us, grounded in the field!
And no matter to what joyful faraway lands
your happy wings bear you,
may our charred wings
protect you from carelessness.
Liubov Sirota
Thankyou Niav

My Blog


Dave will be shortly setting up an adoption agency for children from the Ukraine keep posted for further details or if you are interested please get in touch 
Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 04:51:00 PST


Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 01:47:00 PST

~*Update on Dave & Children attending Camp*~

~*Happy Summer to Everyone*~   I have a small update from Dave that I wanted to give you straight away as he is always extremely busy with helping the Chernobyl Children and I felt this was very ...
Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 09:17:00 PST

2 Amazing Bands - Please Read As They Helped Us Raise Funds!

I need to recommend 2 amazing Bands to you. Both gave up their time to play at the Charity Fund Raising Gig I organised for Camps For Children Of Chernobyl Both blew us away - They are awesome! The fi...
Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Wed, 06 Jun 2007 05:11:00 PST

Check out this video: Camps For Children Of Chernobyl UK Summer Camp - Lake Trip

Your Donations Will help us To Do Things Like This :-Camps For Children Of Chernobyl UK Summer Camp - Lake Trip Add to My Profile | More VideosAll the activities are planned to increase ...
Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Tue, 01 May 2007 01:48:00 PST

Short Videos Highlighting The Chernobyl Disaster And Its Legacy

The Deadly Legacy of Chernobyl.. The Chernobyl Disaster - The Severe Days :- Inside The Chernobyl Reactor :- Chernobyl :-..> ...
Posted by Camps For Children Of Chernobyl {UK} on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 04:02:00 PST