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Paprika Korps

The Heavy Reggae Travellers

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Member Since: 9/14/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: Chomik (reggae guitar, vocal)
Pejterzyna (keyboards, vocal, melodica and others)
Dziku (solo guitar)
Przecier (bass guitar)
King Brodawa (drums)
Beret (sound engineering)
Influences: Paprika Korps is a alternative heavy/reggae band from Poland and among the hardest touring polish bands, domestic as well as abroad. Their touringlist over the last three years contains well over 200 gigs in 20 european countries. The summer of 2003 you could experience Paprika Korps live in Moscow, as well as on the artic circle in Finland. Or you could see them in Germany, Belgium and Ireland in addition to several shows in Poland.
This heavy touring schedule has earned the band the nickname "The Heavy Reggae Travellers".
The music has been described as an interesting combo of reggae, dub and punk. One journalist wrote: "...heavy roots rockers style, reggae vibe without compromise, warrior directions, not sunshine..."

Sounds Like:
kolejny krok

przede wszystkim muzyki


koncert w tampere / konsertti tampereella


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Record Label: Karrot Kommando
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

Check out this video: Hi-Fi feat. Maken

There were dozens of tours in nearly 30 countries, few official releases, own label and agency establishment in the Paprika Korps history, while the band has never made their own videoclip. The time h...
Posted by Paprika Korps on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 07:10:00 PST

Paprika Korps, a herd of reindeer and first seven inch!

Paprika Korps's first seven inch, as a North Pole Star leads us far north to the place where dub is cold as ice. Entering this kingdom better take snowshoes instead of suntan oil or fancy sunglasses a...
Posted by Paprika Korps on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:28:00 PST

Paprika Korps, renifery i pierwsza siódemka.

Pierwsza siódemka Paprika Korps, jak gwiazda polarna, prowadzi nas daleko na póBnoc gdzie dub jest zimny jak lód. Do jego królestwa wygodniej bdzie zamiast okularów przeciwsBonecznych i olejku do opa...
Posted by Paprika Korps on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 09:03:00 PST

KARROT TOUR - Wspólna trasa Vavamuffin i Paprika Korps

Witamy sluchaczy, ogladaczy i wszelkich innych choc odrobine zainteresowanych.Z poczatkiem pazdziernika bratnie ekipy Vavamuffin i Paprika Korps wyruszaja w trase. Nie byle jaka bo z nazwa Karrot Tour...
Posted by Paprika Korps on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 12:55:00 PST

New Magnetofon of Paprika Korps

Paprika Korps - MagnetofonTo take advantage of the current status of the Polish music industry, Paprika Korps decided to present to the world another dose of their own creation. The Album, with its or...
Posted by Paprika Korps on Mon, 05 Mar 2007 06:57:00 PST