On this space
you find information
apart from the "regular basis".
For some, the content of this profile maybe be pretty contrary
to certain beliefs or to the way the government, religion and media presents and creates your perception of certain things and events.
I don't want to challange your belief system here,
nor shake the moral foundation you bild in your life through religion etc.
I just want you to closely analyze what you are involved in.
To take a closer look on what happens around you.
So... if you are willing to, go on.
If not... well, I'll have to say bye bye and have a nice day..
It is up to you.
Though I don't want you take everything you read and see here for granted.
(And best NEVER do that)
I want to encourage you to make your own homework and see for yourself.
Just take a deeper look on what's happening around you
and around the world.
As I write to you now, I, like you,
am under the influence of mind altering ‘medication’ and hypnosis .
The truth is, I cannot tell you exactly what the nature
of our bodies and minds are outside of these influences,
as for so many generations,
our perception of reality has been manipulated to suit the agenda.
I want to tell you exactly what they have been keeping from you.
Within you is the most complex computer in the known universe.
A biological machine that thinks and learns for itself
- though we are much more than that.
The truth is, that what I am going to tell you will give you no answers.
We live in a time of immeasurable fear, deceit and political genocide. The world as you see it, this smoke screen, this stage, is not as you believe.
Everything you experience, be it in any sense, becomes a part of you.
We are the sum of our experiences
like a picture is the sum of an artists brush work.
Since your birth the media has indoctrinated,
influenced, manipulated and created your mind.
Like a computer your mind has been programmed with ethics,
emotional responses, beliefs and lies.
It has given to you the connation by which you paint the world you see
and the walls that limit you.
At the highest points of our government and media, there is a control.
A group of elitists that control from the top down
through the compartmentalisation of bureaucracy.
A secret society membership
that has infiltrated the highest levels of world governments
for thousands of years.
The most basic truth that I can tell you,
is that reality is an emergent property of the mind.
Reality itself is drawn into being through consensus thought
as now proved by quantum physics.
This is the information that has been suppressed for thousands of years to allow the few, the agenda,
to divide and conquer without ethics or compassion
with an alien philosophy believed transcendent of human values.
They create the wars,
control politics and the media’s representation of the official truth.
Do not take my word for this.
There is so much more for you to learn
about your spiritual self and true origins.
Turn of your televisions.
Reject their lies.
ACTION is your WILL.
Anyway, apart from that
just a little note on myself...
I am just an ordinary little guy.
People tend to refer to me as an "artist"
and I guess that's what I am:
A creative little wierdo,
I try do to my best
at actualizing my creativity at least...
My pencil is my best friend.
:: Art by Randis Albion ::
:: www.deeperthanwords.com ::
Control and Manipulation
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You may wonder why world governments would desire to keep their civilians in ignorance. Many of you will have heard the rumours of 9/11 to be an inside job. The video I am about to show you, to many, will be conclusive proof. However, causing such events to advance a secret agenda, be it to gain control of countries through the planting a puppet government, or simply to convince a majority that their safety depends on civil rights being corroded, this is not a new phenomena to the governments of the world. These governments know exactly what you have learned about our religion and yet they use peoples beleifs to whatever ends they desire.
Part I
Part II
Part III
911 Mysteries: This is a brand new public domain 9/11 Truth ..ary about the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center complex. It's excellent. Pass this on!
International Criminal Court "...nationhood as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority."
- Strobe Talbott
Deputy Secretary of State, 1994-2001
Are you concerned that the United Nations...
...would deny your right to a trial by jury?
On July 1, 2002, the International Criminal Court became reality. The United Nations' International Criminal Court would deny Americans the right to a trial by a jury of their peers. An ICC "trial" would be decided by a panel of six or more judges, no more than one of which could be an American. In addition, the 1998 Rome Statute of the ICC contains no right to habeas corpus and no right to confront accusers. ICC prosecutors could even provide secret evidence to judges.
There is a widespread misperception that current U.S. halfway measures, such as "unsigning" the treaty and exempting peacekeepers from prosecution for one year, afford genuine safety to our country's sovereignty and people. In reality, these measures actually compound our danger by lulling the American people and Congress into a false sense of security and providing a disincentive to take timely and effective action now, when it is most needed.
Court of Injustice (Excerpt)Unsafe in Any Form
International Court of Criminals
Courting Global Tyranny
Non-Governmental Organizations: The Pressure From Below
The United Nations Wants to Take Your Land "Private land ownership ... contributes to social injustice.... Public control of land use is therefore indispensable."
- United Nations "Habitat I" Conference Report, 1976
Are you concerned...
...that the UN is militantly anti-property rights?
The UN is dominated by socialist, communist, and other collectivist regimes that are hostile to private property, the basis of our freedom and prosperity. Karl Marx wrote in the Communist Manifesto that "the theory of the Communists may be summed up in the single sentence: abolition of private property." Marx continued: "In one word, you reproach us with intending to do away with your property. Precisely so; that is just what we intend."
Are you concerned...
...that the UN intends to carry out Marx's plan?
In true Marxist fashion, the report of the UN "Habitat I" Conference declares that private land ownership "contributes to social injustice.... Public control of land use is therefore indispensable...." Agenda 21, the UN's massive environmental manifesto, envisions a UN empowered to control and micro-manage our planetary environment and the actions of every person on Earth. It says: "All countries should undertake a comprehensive national inventory of their land resources" and "develop national land-management plans." The UN's Assessment would "reallocate" property rights and have "stakeholder groups," instead of property owners, make decisions on private land use.
Are you concerned...
...that our own U.S. government is adopting many of the UN's anti-property rights and policies and treaties?
The U.S. has signed Agenda 21 and has begun implementing the UN's "Wildlands Project," an incredible plan to push millions of Americans off their land to make vast nature preserves out of half of the nation. Also, under the UN's 1988 Convention on Narcotics, the U.S. has adopted unconstitutional "asset forfeiture" laws that allow seizure of property without due process.
Are you concerned...
...that UN treaties could destroy our heritage of freedom?
Nobel Prizewinning economist, Friedrich A. Hayek, noted that "the system of private property is the most important guaranty of freedom, not only for those who own property, but scarcely less for those who do not. It is only because the control of the means of production is divided among many people acting independently that nobody has complete power over us, that we as individuals can decide what to do with ourselves."
Sink the Law of the Sea Treaty!We Lose If LOST Wins
The Road to Eco-Serfdom
Sunset on the West?
The United Nations Wants Control of YOUR Child "Every child is our child."
- Motto of the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
Are you concerned...
...the UN's aim has always been to take over our educational system?
The UN launched its Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in 1946 with the announced intent to usurp parents' rights to educate and train their children. UNESCO heavyweight Dr. Luther Evans stated, "UNESCO's is a radical program.... To make the system of the UN and its specialized agencies work, we must sweep past traditional barriers...." (emphasis added.) Radio newscaster Paul Harvey condemned UNESCO's undermining of patriotism in one of his broadcasts: "Through UNESCO, American children are influenced away from their national allegiance. American children are being indoctrinated with world government."
Are you concerned...
...the UN's Convention on the Rights of the Child would insert government between parents and children?
Proposed for ratification in 1989, its language states that governments shall insure children's rights to "freedom of thought, conscience and religion," "privacy," "rest and leisure," and much more. According to this UN .., parents shall not be allowed to shield their children from harmful groups and philosophies, inspect their rooms for dangerous items, or require them to do their assigned chores.
Its article 13 states: "The child shall have the right to freedom of expression; this right shall include freedom to seek, receive and impart information and ideas of all kinds, regardless of frontiers, either orally, in writing or in print, in the form of art, or through any other media of the child's choice." Should that kind of "freedom" be mandated for children, parents will have lost any power over what their children may be exposed to.
Are you concerned...
...harmful UN programs are undermining America's educational system?
In 1990, the "World Conference on Education for All" met in Jomtien, Thailand. Sponsored by UNESCO, UNICEF, the UN Development Program, the UN World Bank and other UN agencies, the conference produced a .. entitled "Framework for Action to Meet Basic Learning Needs." Its recommendations became the basis for educational systems in the U.S. known as "Goals 2000," "Outcome-based Education," and "School-to-Work." Congressman Henry Hyde (R-Ill.) has criticized these programs as "a concept for dumbing-down our schools and changing the character of the nation through behavior modification."
The Global School Board
UNESCO’s Rotten Track Record
The "Emancipated" Child
Your Child, the Global Citizen
UN Takeover of the Child
The United Nations Wants America's Armed Forces"I want to extend condolences to the families of those who died in the service of the United Nations."
- Al Gore, June 12, 1994, in reference
to 15 U.S. Servicemen killed while
enforcing a "no-fly-zone" in Iraq
Are you concerned...
...that American blood and taxes are being used for military operations unrelated to U.S. defense?
A May, 2000 Joint Chiefs of Staff report states that since 1990 more than 55 "Operations Other Than War" (military engagements now called "peace-keeping" or "humanitarian" missions), have cost U.S. taxpayers over €15.97 ($21) billion -- more than €3.04 ($4) billion in 2000 alone. Of course, there is no price tag imaginable for American soldiers who have been killed in UN-sanctioned, UN-led "Operations Other Than War" such as Somalia.
Are you concerned...
...that our own government is committed to making the UN more powerful than any nation on Earth?
In 1961, President John F. Kennedy presented to the UN a three-stage disarmament program entitled Freedom From War . "In Stage III," said this State Department .., "progressive controlled disarmament ... would proceed to a point where no state [nation] would have the military power to challenge the progressively strengthened UN Peace Force." The disarmament program originally presented in Freedom From War has never been withdrawn. It remains the official policy of the United States.
Are you concerned...
...that the UN is being given control of our military?
U.S. forces have been sent to the Persian Gulf and Somalia to carry out UN resolutions. And they were sent to the Balkans under the authority of NATO, a regional subsidiary of the UN. In the Balkans and Somalia, they have been placed under foreign commanders who view the secretaries-general of the UN and NATO -- not the U.S. President -- as their commander in chief.
Are you concerned...
...that U.S. military personnel are being prepared to become United Nations soldiers?
About 300 U.S. Marines stationed at Twenty-Nine Palms, California, got a reality check in 1994 when they were required to participate in a "Combat Arms Survey" asking how they felt about statements such as:
"[T]he President of the United States has the authority to pass his responsibilities as Commander-in-Chief to the UN Secretary General";
I would swear to the following code: 'I am a United Nations fighting person...'"; and
"I would fire upon U.S. citizens who refuse or resist confiscation of firearms banned by the U.S. government."
Here Come the UN Army & Police
U.S. Defenders or UN Enforcers?
Veterans Remember UN BetrayalsWhy We Fight
Same Ends, Different Means
The United Nations Wants to TAX you!
-Washington Times, January 16, 1996
Are you concerned that...
...numerous taxation schemes to finance the UN are being considered?
Economist James Tobin proposed in 1972 that the UN be the recipient of a tax of 0.05% on foreign exchange transactions. In 1993, the Ford Foundation produced Financing an Effective United Nations, a report containing recommendations that the UN tax airline traffic, shipping, and arms sales. In 1995, the UN-funded Commission on Global Governance suggested that the UN collect levies from those who use "flight lanes, sea lanes for ships, ocean fishing areas, and the electromagnetic spectrum." Ultimately, of course, the burden of all taxation falls on consumers.
Are you concerned that...
...a State Department study specifically proposed giving the UN taxing power and, ultimately, control of the world?
In 1962, the State Department financed a study entitled "A World Effectively Controlled by the United Nations." The report outlined what would be needed for such a total world government: "a mandatory universal membership," an ability to use "physical force," and "compulsory jurisdiction" of its courts. One of the UN's "principle features," stated the report, would be "enforceable taxing powers." (Emphasis added.)
Are you concerned that...
...no matter how much our nation gives, the UN will never be satisfied?
In addition to hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars in foreign aid, our nation has provided the UN with tens of billions more for its programs since 1945. Currently, U.S. contributions make up 25% of the UN's annual budget. But, in his May 2001 speech at Notre Dame University, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan complained with a typical anit-American attitude, "It is shameful that the United States ... should be one of the least generous in terms of helping the world's poor."
Are you concerned that...
...taxing authority would fuel an unaccountable UN Superstate?
Former UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali said of a UN tax: "We would no be under the daily financial will of member states who are unwilling to pay up." UN Founder Harlan Cleveland made the same point in Futures: Rather than relying on "the worn-out policy of year-to-year decisions by individual governments" (about how much to give the UN), "what's needed is a flow of funds for development which are generated automatically under international control." And there would be no Congress to limit the UN's appetite for your tax dollars!
March Madness in Monterrey
IMF and the Asian Bailout
Worldwide Welfare
Pushing for a World Currency
- Oceanographer Jaques Cousteau Published in the Courier, a publication of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Are you concerned that the United Nations...
...intends to have government control child-bearing?
A report issued by the United Nation's Cairo Conference on Population and Development announced plans to regulate the most intimate of family matters: "The promotion of the responsible exercise of these rights [marriage and child-bearing] for all people should be the basis for government ... supported policies and programmes in the area of reproductive health, including family planning."
Are you concerned that the United Nations...
...is a partner in China's forced abortions program?
China's "one-child" policy -- which features compulsory abortion, sterilization, and female infanticide -- has been generously underwritten by the UN Population Fund and the UN's World Bank, along with the International Planned Parenthood Federation, and tax-exempt foundations like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations. In 1983, the United Nations Fund for Population Activities gave an award to Communist China's Qian Xinzhong for having "implemented population policies on a massive scale." The Chicago Tribune reported that as a result of government policy: "Thirty-eight percent of Chinese women of child-bearing age have been sterilized."
Are you concerned that the United Nations...
...is propped up by pro-abortion elitists?
The UN has a powerful network of pro-abortion allies who promote its objectives and pay its bills. Public personalities such as Hollywood's Jane Fonda, Linda Gray, and pop singer "Singer Spice" have donated time and talent to the UN. And insiders of America's business and financial community are solidly behind UN population control programs. A UN Population Fund press statement acknowledged: "Besides [Bill] Gates and [Ted] Turner ... the Rockefeller, MacArthur and Hewlett-Packard foundations had all been very engaged in population [matters] and had made contributions to domestic as well as international prorammes."
Are you concerned that the United Nations...
...plays a major role in the abortion industry?
UNICEF, the World Bank, the UN Development Program, the World Health Organization, and the UN Populations Fund (UNFPA) promote and fund abortions worldwide. The UNFPA, for instance, sent to Balkan refugee camps "Emergency Reproductive Health Kits" that contained abortifacient pills, intrauterine devices, and even a suction apparatus called a "manual vacuum aspirator." What a misleading term to describe a devices that sucks a tiny baby out of the mother's womb! Other elements of the global abortion network, working hand-in-glove with the UN, include the International Planned Parenthood Federation, the Population Council, and International Projects Assistance Services.
H I V = AIDS: Fact or Fraud?
Stephen Allen
Is HIV/AIDS the golden idol of junk science?
Judge for yourself.
Professionally produced, written and researched, acclaimed by physicians, scientists, journalists and humanitarians internationally, this is the video encyclopedia of HIV/AIDS dissident movement!
THE defining ..ary on the HIV/AIDS fraud.
You will meet a number of highly reputable scientists who all agree that HIV doesn't cause AIDS, including Dr. Peter Duesberg, who was the first scientist to map the genetic structure of retroviruses.
He is joined by Nobel Prize winners Dr. Kary Mullis and Dr. Walter Gilbert, along with Dr. David Rasnick, an expert in the field of protease inhibitors.
This feature-length expose explains exactly how the 300-Billion-dollar AID$ fraud began, why HIV can NOT be the cause of AIDS, what the real causes could be, and who manipulates the public’s good intentions while poisoning hundreds of thousands with toxic drugs that cause the very disease they are supposed to prevent.
scroll down
Religion was created to control us. The ancient truths were distorted to create a prison for the human mind. In the video below I hope you find insight to a new understanding of our world and origins. See the world with your new eyes.
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These anomalous skulls were located by Mr. Connolly in various South American museums.
About the Giant Humanoid looking Skulls:
Are they really ancient man?
The general opinion seems to be that they are human but are not the result of medical deformation and are too anomalous to be the result of "binding" techniques. In addition, some of the skulls have brain vault capacities significantly in excess of modern man.
The "cone shaped head" type is very unusual because of the cranial shape. Here we have a specimens, which exclude the possibility of random or artificial deformation (the already mentioned Nubian deformations had quite a number of individual variations). They have individual characteristics within the range of overall morphology. There is no doubt that they are closely related and possibly represent quite a distinct branch of the genus Homo, if not an entirely different species.
Human skulls with horns were discovered in a burial mound at Sayre, Bradford County, Pennsylvania, in the 1880's.
Giant skull with horns:
The Horn projections extended two inches above the eye-brows, and the skeletons were seven feet tall, but other than that were anatomically normal. It was estimated that the bodies had been buried around A.D. 1200.
The find was made by a reputable group of antiquarians, including the Pennsylvania state historian and dignitary of the Presbyterian Church (Dr. G.P. Donehoo) and two professors, A.B. Skinner, of the American Investigating Museum, and W.K.Morehead, of Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts. The bones were sent to the American Investigating Museum in Philadelphia, where they were later claimed to have been stolen and have never been seen again Pursuit, 6:69-70, July 1973 Mysteries of the Unexplained, p. 39 1992
The mysterious Mayan (extraterrestrial) human crystal-head(s)
This is a photo of Nefertiti the Goddess who lived in Ancient Egypt:
Notice this Goddess's head.
Her skull is extremely elongated, this would mean her brain would be much larger than a normal human's. Therefore making her extremely intelligent. This is actually a statue of her, it is in a museum in Egypt currently. Several pictures in Ancient Egypt portray some of the Gods or Goddesses with extremely large elongated heads. Is this some coincidence, why would the Ancient Egyptians make such large heads in their photos, carvings, and statues, there had to be a motivation of some kind apart from an artistic one, and in my opinion there is nothing artistically appealing about a large elongated head, so why did they do it?
....figure out....
This is a photo of a skull found in Peru, notice the elongated back of the skull. This is one of the many Deformed skulls photographed in the Museo Regional de Ica.
This is clearly not a human skull, we have been fed a variety of unlogical explanations as to why this skull has this formation. Several like it were found in Peru with small variations. Many artifacts that were clearly of Egyptian origin were also found in Peru dating back to the time of the Ancient Egyptians. However these two cultures and countries were not supposed to have had contact back then being so far from each other. Many odd things are found in Peru, the Nazca lines, a set of animal and geometrical lines engraved onto the ground which extend for miles. Engraving these lines would require a view from above to do them correctly, yet they were not supposed to have aircraft back then. So how did they do it?? This skull gives us a good idea. If they had brains big enough to fit into these skulls they could obviously find ways to fly in aircraft or spacecraft no doubt. A photo of other skulls found in Peru are below.
The next picture is an engraving in Ancient Egypt, notice the hats worn by the two adults, could they be covering their large heads and skulls? Notice the 2 babies, one on the left has an elongated skull, so do the 2 on the right. Could all these facts be just coincidences? Of course not? We are not all that gullible to keep accepting all these foolish arguments for all these obvious alien things we see around the world. Egypt, Peru, Mexico, Easter Island, we have been fed a bunch of baloney about the origins of all these incredible works and their builders. We are told in schools that the great pyramid of Egypt took 40 years to build and it's purpose was to bury a pharoah. Come on now, are we that gullible and were the Egyptians that gullible? Of course not, who would spend 40 years of hard labor building a pyramid just to stuff a dead body in it after 40 years of hard work. That hardly sounds logical for such an obviously advanced culture as the Ancient Egyptians. They invented their own language for god sakes, are we to think they were dumb enough to spend 40 years sweating their guts out for only burying 1 body. That is the stupidest thing we have been fed by Egyptologists to date. In Mexico the group of pyramids including the pyramid of the sun are known by people in Mexico by legend as "Place where the gods touch the earth." In all evidence this probably means where the aliens landed. Where they touched the Earth... Think about it, the pyramids are large stone monuments in Mexico with steps going down the sides. What better purpose for the steps than to allow the aliens to climb down the pyramids to the ground. That is the most logical reason for their construction. And to think that primitive people could build something so incredible is well not likely in all logic.
This picture contains 1 Egyptian with some strange device on his or her head, while his friend has an elongated head and slanted eyes. This photo is not artistic in nature as you can see. Their is nothing very artistic about it, so why give the guy such a large head. Because he had one is the most logical answer. Look at the complex code on the tablet - So tell me.. you believe some primitive people did all that...??
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It doesn't have to be like this.............
We have a choice. Love, hope, peace, music.
21st Century, planet Earth. The Milky Way.
A solar system spinning through Intergalactic time & Space - as it always has.
A new expanded consciousness has spontaneously flourished
among the homo sapiens, the most supremely intellegient inhabitants of the planet.
A brilliant new conscious dimension forged finally in the
void between light and dark. The peoples now united, race,
cast all social structures now only a past illusion.
Peace descends. War is confined to the vaults of history.
The world begins to heal itself. The final chapter.
21st century planet earth. The presiding authority.....
a vastly expanded consciousness where human awareness is
elevated to that of the devine.
Music...the weapon of the future,
in a society where weapons will cease to have relevance.
It doesn't have to be like this.... we have a choice.
Vote Peyoti for President.
::::Written by Peyoti::::
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1. Take into account that great love and great achievements involve great risk.
2. When you lose, don't lose the lesson.
3. Follow the three R's:
Respect for self,
Respect for others and Responsibility for all your actions.
4. Remember that not getting what you want is sometimes a wonderful stroke of luck.
5. Learn the rules so you know how to break them properly.
6. Don't let a little dispute injure a great relationship.
7. When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.
8. Spend some time alone every day.
9. Open your arms to change, but don't let go of your values.
10. Remember that silence is sometimes the best answer.
11. Live a good, honorable life. Then when you get older and think back, you'll be able to enjoy it a second time.
12. A loving atmosphere in your home is the foundation for your life.
13. In disagreements with loved ones, deal only with the current situation. Don't bring up the past.
14. Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve immortality.
15. Be gentle with the earth.
16. Once a year, go someplace you've never been before.
17. Remember that the best relationship is one in which your love for each other exceeds your need for each other.
18. Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.
19. Approach everything with reckless abandon.
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