GETTING MY HEART BACK ( as so I may offer it to The Mate of My Soul)I am interested in all things that I havn`t experianced yet, and woman who scare me you know who you are ladies... yes its true you scare me... tatooooos and inks... Hanging out @ the local NOCO Express Shop... Coffee..... Lending a Helping Hand.... Recovery... I also have Interests in Things that I tought I would never be Interested In?!?test
the Dali LLama tha 14th spiritual helper (are you sure your not native AMERICAN) I`d also like to meet The prick posting trashy sites on my bulliten board so I can fix his or her computer with my pick~up truck I figure if I run it over 33 time perhaps then they won`t do that kind of thing anymore......... also Pablo Escobar and ask him why he became so greedy and didnt appreciate the riches that he had?? CHRISTOPHER WALKEN who dosen`t want to meet him and talk about the amazing work he has brought to all of us though his films...Creepy but TRULEY POWERFUL...... Juan Valdez...He can probably get me a deal on some good home grown coffee beans Thats all I got to say about that (for now)
angry alternative beethoven as well as alll classical composers works ... Some hip~hop and groups that make women move in that mysteriuos way Guys you know what I`m talkin about as well as some of you ladies
all films especially the propaganda film " Reefer Madnesss"
Fox News Junkie Documentaries and Informational the NASA ccannell.... space exploration is rediculous lets just wait for the Aliens to tell us of the Universe... They will when we strt behaving ourselves... you got the United Nations and N.A.T.O.
Mother Therasea, Jim Morrison, Eager Allan Poe, Ben Franklin James MADISON Men in Black... keeping our out of town visitors out of trouble You know who else would be a Hero of mine Jane Jetson... If she would only once come out and Turn that Crazy Dog Walker OFF... Now that I went there Damn It Lucy let Charlie Brown Kick the(#%#%#&)Ball.....