In no particular order, Music, Art, Women, Beer, Football, (Eagles), Baseball (Phillies), Rock Climbing, Skiing, Headbanging, Gravitys, Deep Sea Fishing for Black Marlin off the coast of Austrailia, Camping, Hiking, Dimebag Darrell, Steve Elkington, Jim Rome, and Level Nine Entertainment!!
Here is the Level Nine Lineup!!
Also... Check out my SICK METAL friends fom New York in SINARIA!!
And...Check out more of the sick bands and artists listed below in my "top friends!"
Wake up Central PA Metalheads!! There are some sick Metal Bands out there that play right in our back yard!! Check out my top friends and see some of the area's sickest bands and artists... and get your ass out to a show!!!
True Romance (sounds gay but it was written by Quentin Tarantino if you catch my drift) and Office Space, the funniest movie ever! Seriously I have quit at least two jobs because of this movie!
ENTOURAGE!!! HEAD BANGERS BALL!! Viva La Bam and Wildboyz, Family Guy, Southpark, The Simpsons, that little Bart fucker made me famous in 7th grade!
Anything by Hunter S. Thompson (R.I.P.)
Dimebag Darrell (R.I.P. The Greatest Guitar Player Ever), my Family, and all the soldiers that are serving and have served for our country!!