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About Me

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Hi there! :) My name is Vibeke Tomter. I was born on 24. March 1991. I grew up in a musical family where singing and playing the guitar was important. As a little girl I used to give “conserts” in our dining room pretending the hair-brush was the microphone and with a “hit” sounding in the back-ground.Since I was 14 I have had song-lessons and having received some nice and positive remarks. Regarding my voice has made me realize that singing should be an important part of my future. The same year as I started the song-lessons I met the producer and song-writer Robin from Marble Music/Hit Productions. He gave me the opportunity to sing at his studio. Actually he approved of what he heard and wrote me som new songs. I had a couple recorded in June 2006 and the feed-back has been positive. I am now working in studio with my debut album. single ”hangin’on” will hopefully be promoted in 2008. She’s very exited and hope the people out there will like what they hear. I'm hoping that a record company/management out there will get their eyes on me. There will be a lot of work and there are no guarantees that the music industry will accept me. But I shall do my best and think I will do very well. It has been a dream of mine for a long time and I can’t tell you how much the music means to me. But without the support from friends and family I would not have entered the studio. I probably would not have been singing at all. So thank you! I love you guys!Love from Winita

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Member Since: 9/9/2006
Band Website: Under construction
Sounds Like: Me
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None