..Hub City Stompers hail from the "hub city" of New Brunswick, NJ. Formed in the summer of 2002 in the wasteland of the seemingly "dead" ska scene, these necromaniacs romanced ska's rotted corpse, playing for the love of the music rather than the popularity of it, and formed a force to be reckoned with
in the New Jersey music scene.
Embracing various styles and eras of ska from the 60's through the 80's, and adding reggae, punk, oi!, hardcore, jazz and even classical influences, they manage to avoid a typical, formulaic ska sound and steer clear of cliche poppy ska lyrics.
Hub City Stompers' line up consists of ex-members of bands such as Inspecter 7, Tri State Conspiracy, Professor Plum, Foil, and Predator Dub Assassins.
Proudly roaming the no-man's-land between the popular ska-core world and the elitist trad-ska world, Hub City Stompers choose to entertain and offend everyone equally and stick to their underground roots. Allied with all in this underground, they share the stage with ska, reggae, oi!, punk, and hardcore bands alike.
They have one song ("Night of the Living") on the Jump Up/Megalith Records "Still Standing" ska compilation, and their first full length CD, "Blood Sweat and Beers", was released in May 2004 on Megalith Records. Their "Mass Appeal" EP came out in July 2005. A studio recording of live show favorite "I've Got A Boot" is featured on the "Megalith Records Sampler" released in January 2006. Their second full length CD, "Dirty Jersey", was released in December 2006 on Megalith Records.