These are our sponsors/people/places/things that we like:
and others to be added......if you wish to be a sponser please send us a myspace message or e-mail us @ [email protected]
Anyone with a Lambretta
Innocenti, Lambretta owners, scooterists, friends of the Sole Runners, friends of scooterists, girls who have modeled on Lambretta scooters, girls willing to model on Lambretta scooters, girls who want to ride on Lambretta scooters, and Arthur Francis.mostly ska, rocksteady, reggae, soul, punk, and Oi....members of the Sole Runners Scooter Club have been in various bands over the years such as Inspecter 7, Extra Stout, The Ploys, and FoiL; some now play in The Hub City Stompers.
Quadrophenia!The character "Jimmy" rides a Series 3 Li150, 3 members of the Sole Runners have that same bike, but none with all the crazy mirrors and mod accessories. // The majority of scooters in the film are Lambrettas. // The scooter that "Jimmy" wrecks in the end is not a Lambretta, but a Vespa! // And an awesome soundtrack!
Different Strokes, the Soaps, anything with Rachel Ray
the Lambretta Home Workshop Manual, Innocenti Lambretta: a History, Lambretta Performance Tuning and Conversions Manual, SCOOTER GIRL, A. Graham Bell's Two-Stroke Performance Tuning Manual, West Coast Lambretta Works parts catalog, maps
Innocenti, Arthur Francis/AF Rayspeed, Taffspeed, Girgio Sicbaldi, Rob Downs, Scott Baxter, Mike from DC, anyone with an awesome Lambretta