xine profile picture


Being unstable and bitchy is all part of my mystique.

About Me

I'm kind of like a raccoon -- a rather intelligent, nocturnal omnivore with a reputation for being both clever and mischievous. I enjoy city life but can survive in a variety of environments, wear black around my eyes and I'm especially drawn to things that are SHINY.
I don't, however, dig through garbage cans for food. That's where the similarities begin to end...
So, in other news...pretty pretty please with grey goose martini on top check out our entertainment blog when you get a chance. It's a creative outlet that can often lend itself to superficiality but it's all in good fun, I swear. You can find it here:

My Interests

YEP:, lucia - best puppy ever, attempting to drive, open minds, losing my train of thought, urban living, airplanes, the inner child crew, dnb, fabulousness, honesty (the best policy), graffiti, the little noise between scenes on Law and Order, finding my train of thought, going out, staying in, sarcasm, tanning, the art of fashion, talking (a lot), conspiracy theories,, really high heels, perfectly white teeth, kissing, the wonderful people in my life, kissing the wonderful people in my life, Acura, meeting new people, poire, Heinz ketchup on everything, goals, staying up late, reality, self-determination, my crazy ass friends, US Airways preferred, pink flamingos, any kind of reward point program, kinetic energy, diptyque, advancing through education, really gay men, changing my hair regularly, broken beats, wasting my money, sewing, i like leopard stuff now, comedy, Morning Joe on MSNBC, respect, Christians Dior and Louboutin, watching real autopsies, the word "austere," text messaging, my mother, caffeine, positive people, irony, fox and mink (in the context of "coat"), libertarian socialism, google searching, existentialism, perfect eyebrows, modern and postmodern art, periodic table of the elements, therapeutic shopping, my job, neurophysiology, music, squid, going on vacation so I can say "leave me alone, I'm on vacation," forensic science, diet Pepsi, apple computers, viscose, strong personalities, staying busy, spontaneity, opinions, really nice hotels, genetics, anything pink, intelligent individuals, alliteration, picking on Josh, big boobs, blue eyes, random conversations, grey goose martinis, loving life and a bunch of other random things.
NOPE: I don't do eggs, hot dogs or canned meat/fish, improper grammar, my ridiculous mortgage, uber-conservative people, traffic, clutter, gossip (unless it’s about celebrities – then I’m all for it!), the smell of fake tan, grudges, mornings, alarm clocks, alarms in general, anything that has to do with the kitchen, humidity, hard work (manual labor of any kind), speaker phone, negativity, driving (making progress here--now I at least TRY to drive), cleaning, stretched out wifebeaters drive me crazy for some reason, perseveration, body hair, excuses, apathy, depending on men for $, Helmut Lang, anyone who needs too much attention, I have a severe, unexplained aversion to khaki pants and brown shoes – just on me – I don’t care if you wear them, balancing checkbooks, satin sheets (satin is like the worst fabric that can possibly be used to make sheets aside from like burlap), counterfeit designer goods, writing in cursive, public transportation, diet Coke and camping-like activities.

I'd like to meet:

I'm not really interested in meeting people online - just staying connected to people I already know. Generally speaking, I like people with extremely boisterous personalities, very short attention spans, a repertoire of hilarious jokes and last but not least, a decent sense of style. If you have all four of these characteristics, you and I will get along fabulously. Also, if you happen to know Noam Chomsky, can you please send him my way? He and I really need to talk before he dies. Thanks.


Funky. Spunky. Laid-back. Jazzy. Whatever my little ears desire. Drum and bass. House. Trance at times. Disco in the morning. Downtempo. Hip Hop. Old school rap. Pop. Rock. Hair Bands. I sing two songs incessantly - they are as follows: Sir Mix A Lot's Baby Got Back (my anaconda don't want non unless you've got buns hun) and Easy Lover by Phil Collins. If you do not like these songs, do not hang out with me. .


Comedy (anything smart and dark.) Documentaries. Horror(some). Film Noir. Drama (some). Foreign. Independent. Nothing overtly romantic.
Coen brothers. Wes Anderson. Stanley Kubrick. John Waters.
The Royal Tenenbaums. Big Lebowski. O Brother, Where Art Thou? Inside Deep Throat. Welcome to the Dollhouse. Pink Flamingos. The Shining. Pulp Fiction. A Dirty Shame. Death to Smoochy.
I think that gives you an idea.


My best friend once told me that DVR/TiVo would change my life. It did. DVR destroyed any attention span I had left. I pause, rewind or fast forward constantly. It's now become such an ingrained habit that I'm on the verge of breakdown when I watch a TV that doesn't have DVR.
CourtTV is seriously entertaining but not so much since they started showing millions of car chases. The History Channel. A&E. I watch a lot of true-life crime shows: Forensic Files, American Justice, The Investigators, Cold Case Files and current televised trials. I especially enjoy watching anything that has to do with real-life medicine. Surgeries, 80 pound tumors, real autopsies, oh my! Guilty pleasures are: Dexter (on Showtime), The Nanny (every morning), CSI (Vegas), Scrubs, Law and Order (SVU, CI), shows where people are fixing up houses and Sex and the City (I have the whole series on DVD and I think I have most of the lines memorized).


This section was a mess. I read a lot. I will update.


I want to be Donatella Versace when I grow up (minus the stint in rehab and bad collagen injections.)I wish I could have my mother's strength.

My Blog


Could you be, the most beatiful pup in the world?Vote here: cara/DAMN CUTE!...
Posted by xine on Thu, 12 Apr 2007 07:17:00 PST


I decided to go for a late-night tanning session after my workout.  When I came out of the room, the two cute, little blonde girls behind the counter were like "um...we just wanted to tell y...
Posted by xine on Fri, 06 Oct 2006 08:41:00 PST


Check this out: Imagine-Life is a non-profit organization utilizing the power of the media to educate and raise awareness on the various underrepresented human rights viola...
Posted by xine on Tue, 16 May 2006 10:51:00 PST

anonymous poem.

I thought this was a pleasant little poem.  It was printed in my local newspaper today.   There is so much good in the worst of us And so much bad in the best of us That it ill behoove...
Posted by xine on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 11:11:00 PST

my bad/weird habits (the tag thing)

Chris made me do this. Once you are tagged you *MUST* write a blog about your 6 weird habits/things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged ...
Posted by xine on Mon, 27 Mar 2006 01:13:00 PST


(untitled) My inner voice The truth-teller The non-sugar coater Ms. tell it like it is Perpetually talking Endless words feeding this love/hate relationship Brutal honesty never turning a b...
Posted by xine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST


"FYI--Sometimes things just get really, really, horrifically bad before they end up getting really, really, incredibly, fabulously, spectacularly good! Which is really ok because then you just end up ...
Posted by xine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Gentrification--my socioeconomic topic of the day

In todays society, gentrification is becoming increasingly popular. Cities everywhere are redeveloping their poorer areas by providing subsidies to developers marketing lofts to higher-income profess...
Posted by xine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Distorted Morality: America's War on Terror?

I'm a big fan of Chomsky (a renown scholar, political and social analyst, media critic, author, the father of modern day linguistics, professor at MIT since the mid 50s and, in my opinion, one of the...
Posted by xine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

La Fondation Cartier Pour lArt Contemporain

Anyone who knows me well is incredibly aware of my predilection for fashion as art, as well as the convergence of fashion and art. In fact, even if you do not know me particularly well, you are still...
Posted by xine on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST