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Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebPage (Burp) (Burp) Generate your own contact table!
My Interests are Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,Beer,
I would like to meet my friends Homer,Moe,Carl,Lenny,& Duffman & The Duffgirl too & The big pink elephant too Try my bowling game More Games at arcadecabin.com | Cool Generators
I listen to whatever Moe plays at the bar, I was once in a band called the Be Sharps
I once made a movie about my battle with alcoholism called Pukahontas
MySpaceScripts Codes I watch whatever is on in the bar whether it be football or boxing,
Moe as he gets me drunk,Duffman,Homer as he would never let me drink & drive