I have more questions than answers about people and life. Forever wondering why some things and people have to act and behave in certain ways.
Do you like where you are and what you have become?
Have you ever wished that your life was different?
Can your relationship improve?
Are you producing the results that you want?
What makes you feel good?
Why do you do what you do?
What triggers you to produce your behavior?
How do you reach the top rung and achieve success?
These are some of the questions and issues that I would like to share with you. I put my thoughts in writing on my website. Check it out at http://www.about-personal-growth.com
If you want to see the subjects or topics that I have covered and written, click on my site-map link here.
Here's one of my favorite quotes.
"We can never really change someone; people must change themselves. But we can help. We can be a resource." - Stephen R. Covey
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Here's a blog that I've created. Check it out at About Single Woman