Chrystyne profile picture


art. sex. stimuli.

About Me

I'm a 25 year old artist from Chicago. According to the Keirsey temperment test, I am an INFJ (an introverted, intuitive, feeling, & judging person). Zodiac-wise, I am a Capricon w/ Pisces rising. I'm proud to be a determined yet sappy GOATFISH!
I am friendly, loyal, sensitive, creative, and hard working. I value respect and honesty. My best personality trait is my sense of humor. My best physical traits are my eyes.
I take refuge in my art. When I make or become art, I find peace within. I am very passionate about my work and strive to make, breathe, and be art.

Performing at the Metro (Chicago). Photo by Chad Savage .

My Interests

Art, sex, and stimuli.

I'd like to meet:

Currently, I'm looking to connect with passionate people who have great senses of humor. People who aren't afraid to be themselves. People who understand that rebellion is born within the soul. Artists and musicians who feel instead of regurgitate.
Quality over quantity. Talent over fame.


Genres: I'm pretty open minded and can groove to almost any genere. I really dig goth, industrial, deathrock, punk, post punk, new wave, & noize.
My favorite band is Queen.
Ten other artists/bands that I like (in no particular order): The Chameleons UK, David Sylvian, Lords of the New Church, Sheep on Drugs, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Shadow Reichenstein, Red Lorry Yellow Lorry, Tears for Fears, The Swans, A Perfect Circle


Jan Svankmajer's Alice, Quills, The Shawshank Redemption, Hellraiser, Wayne's World, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Sin City, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Monster's Inc., Best in Show, Shaun of the Dead, A Passage to India


The Young Ones has always been a personal fav.


The Power of Myth (Joseph Campbell), The Giving Tree (Shel Silverstein)


My mom.
Inspirations: Osho, Jim Henson, Freddie Mercury.

My Blog

Fortunes and Misfortunes Exhibit Opening: April 13

Fortunes & Misfortunes:An exhibition of works in a superstitious vein. Featuring works by Jo machado, Scott Jackson, Kin Laurel, Chrystyne, Fletcher Hayes & Chad Savage...>Opening Party...
Posted by Chrystyne on Wed, 11 Apr 2007 06:01:00 PST

The "Discobitch Special" at Rapt in Maille Jewelry!

Back in late 2006, I had the honor of modeling for a very talented jewelry designer, Melissa Banks of Rapt in Maille. Her pieces combine traditional patterns of chainmail with contemporary elements,...
Posted by Chrystyne on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 11:50:00 PST

Looking for a Pet Dachshund. Young Male.

I want to adopt a weiner dog. None of the shelters in the area have any, so I wanted to put the feelers out on Myspace. I'd really like the pup to have the "typical" weiner dog look--red/brown short h...
Posted by Chrystyne on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 06:56:00 PST Feedback on New Work

Over the holidays I posted a new section on my site to showcase my video work. So far I have uploaded one short entitled, "She Walks in Beauty," which was inspired by Byron's poem of the same name. ...
Posted by Chrystyne on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 01:09:00 PST

Site Launch! The Bitch is Back :)

After a long hiatus, has returned! Since I'm a perfectionist, the revamp took a lot longer than expected. After four previous design ideas, I finally came up with one which encompasse...
Posted by Chrystyne on Tue, 09 Jan 2007 12:54:00 PST

My Friend List

My list got a bit out of hand (3,000+ friends & fans!), so I have decided to only keep people I have met in person or net pals who I have talked with more than a few times.  I appreciate thos...
Posted by Chrystyne on Tue, 05 Dec 2006 08:59:00 PST


Having something to fall back on is essential. Most of the time, no matter how chatoic things are, I take refuge in my art.What helps you brave the storm?
Posted by Chrystyne on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:07:00 PST

About the INFJ

I know a test result cannot describe everything about a person, but this one hits VERY close to home.  Maybe this will shed some light... The INFJ. <(Introverted Intuition with Extraverted Fee...
Posted by Chrystyne on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST