Creating and performing music, contemplating people, life and all its perspectives, experience new places, constantly try to challenge myself, but aslo just sit home and watch movies, cartoons, comedies,- laughing and engaging, wondering and resolving all the little pieces that turn into days, weeks, months and years ;)
Billy Sheehan, Steve Vai and Jim Carrey! Oh, and someone who's actually pro George W. Bush jr.,- should be an interresting discussion ;)
My greatest inspirations in music have been Crimson Glory, Whitesnake, Dio, Throne of Chaos, Billy Sheehan, Steve Vai, Mötley Crüe, Dee Snider, Sebastian Bach etc etc. (my entire musiccollection is not my prime inspiration so no need to write it all down).But most of all I get inspired by all the amazing co-musicians I've had the priveledge of working with through-out the years! I bow my head to you all!
Those who manage stand or raise tall with all odds against them, who still can reach out for the silver lining that lies ahead or right in front of every fate, no matter how heavy their loads are!