Pictures of Pain is a melodic metal band from the west coast of Norway. The band has a great spectre in their musicstyle, from slow to hard and aggressive sound. The vocals switch a lot between clean, screaming and growling parts.The band was formed by Frode Gundersen (drums) and Hans Helge Iversen (vocals) in 2004. Later on Roy Ostrem (bass) and Rune Fredriksen (guitar) joined the band.18-20 November 2005, Pictures of Pain recorded their first demo. The band did their second studio recording in mid of July 2006. The band have received a lot of positive feedback on their recordings, and some record companies showed interest for their music. One of them also came out with a suggestion to a deal, but the band desided to do a fullength recording instead, to get even more and better results before any possible signing. The band was also one of the band included on a compilation cd by Karmoygeddon Metal-Festival, released November 2006.
Pictures of Pain will do their first full length during spring 2008.Live at Island of Rock
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Add to My Profile | More VideosPictures of Pain - Live 23.03.07
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