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Master of Muffins

About Me

First, I am a believer. The people I know and trust, I believe will come through in the end and make good on their dreams and goals. People do have their flaws and occasional lapses, but in the end, my people will succeed, and I am behind them all the way.

Next, I am a do-er. If I get curious about something, I go out and learn as much as I can about it & then pretty soon I am getting other people to join in the fun. (This has taken us to some pretty strange places. o.o) If there's a place I want to see, I go there (and take hundreds of pictures!) If I have a complaint, I try to do something about the problem rather than just mooning about it.
Last, I am a study in contrast. I like philosophizin' but I don't take life too seriously. People say my thoughts are "deep" but I am still pretty goofy. I am not a fan of drama and angst, but I am a huge fan of Evanescence (especially the Origin CD!) I've lived in other states and traveled repeatedly to other countries, but I am still hanging around Michigan since that's where family is. I work in technology, yet I find magic in every corner. I am spiritual but not religious; I believe in every religion, since I find no conflicts between their basic messages (in the words of Bill & Ted: "Be excellent to each other"). I get along with everyone and find something to admire in everyone I meet, but I really enjoy my time alone. I am a human being. And I like it. ^_^
Other things:
I like Puma shoes. I'm really particular about the shoes I buy-- in fact, I'd rather just make my own. It can take me hours to decide on a pair of shoes (thankfully, in a self-service store), because none of the ones I find match my specifications. Which are, precisely: They need to fit, be flexible in front, offer support in the rear, and be black. That's it. You wouldn't think that would be hard to find, but it seems all the brick-and-mortar stores have is garish nasty colors or giant moon boots. Hey, man, I want to feel the floor when I walk. o.o I also don't want to have to hear myself walking; that's just annoying. Thankfully, I found earlier this year. They have just about every kind of shoe you can think of, and a superb return method, so you can try out several pairs and send the ones back that you don't like. Through Zappos, I have rediscovered Puma shoes-- I got a pair of the Future Cat Lows to start, and they were & are seriously ass-kickingly perfect for my feet. I DIGZ THE CATSHOOZ! Even the names are cool! As long as Puma keeps making Catshooz, I will keep wearing them. After a lifetime of "lesser of two evils" shoe purchases, I am so relieved to finally find some I like right out of the box. 'Cause I go places, man, and I do stuff, and I really like my feet.
Rock on, reader-person. Be excellent!

My Interests

You Are 70% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
Other interests:
Mountains, hiking, and high places
Climbing trees & chasing deer
Japanese animation, 80's cartoons, and art of all kinds
Music... and discovering new bands on MySpace. o.o
Languages, including Japanese, German, Norwegian, and many more
Building stuff out of sand at the beach
Videogames, the newest art form for the masses

I'd like to meet:

Well, um, ideally:

But otherwise:

I would like to meet someone who also likes running around in the woods (figuratively and literally); who is a little goofy; who asks a lot of questions and isn't afraid to be wrong; who might be a little shy but not cripplingly so. At this point I am just keen on finding someone to hang out with. I've moved so many times that all my friends are somewhere else now. o.o Ideally I would like to find someone who isn't totally set on staying in one place all their life.

As for the standard "I don't like mind games" disclaimer: I don't remember the last time someone played mind games with me. Frankly, I just don't think they work on me anymore. I'm not real big on conflict and drama as a way of life, so if there's a game to be played, I'll probably miss it. (Thanks for the invite though! ^_^) I just have more fun playing XBox 360. O_o

Some examples of stand-up persons of note that I hope to meet someday:
Amy Lee of Evanescence, blue-eyed goddess of song!
Doro Pesch, Goddess of Metal!
My mom
The Scandinavian goddess I met at my hotel in Oslo this summer! O.o
Jesus, to learn what really happened and what he really wants us to do
Buddha, to learn whether his path would change to meet the challenges of today's world
Frodo Baggins-- Though small, he embodies strengths of so many kinds; let his story be a lesson to us all
Sir R F Burton, the spirit of adventure
Miyamoto Musashi, the spirit of skill and strength
Yoda, the spirit of wisdom
The Good King Arthur, spirit of chivalry, honor, and loyalty
Pretty much any mythological figure, other than the ones that would eat me.
Every good story holds life lessons for the reader/ listener, if he will but listen. That's because every mythological entity represents an archetype of something we find in our everyday world. A good story illustrates the interactions between those archetypes in ways we may not have considered when pondering what they represent, singularly. This allows us to gain new perspective on the dependecies between the things those archetypes represent in the real world.
Given that that is the meaning and purpose of mythology, then meeting a mythological entity would imply that I myself am an archetype (otherwise there's no purpose in the meeting), and essentially elevate me to mythological status, and that would just be cool. As long as I don't just represent someone's dinner.^_^


Your Taste in Music:
Heavy Metal: Highest Influence
Progressive Rock: Highest Influence
80's Pop: High Influence
80's R&B: High Influence
80's Rock: High Influence How's Your Taste in Music?
Bands I like:
Rob Zombie
Lacuna Coil
Living Colour (!!!)
Nitzer Ebb
White Lion
Other than this, check out my friends list for the best f--ing bands anywhere!!! Now if I could only get them all to play one giant show together...


Your Movie Buff Quotient: 66%
You are a total movie buff. Classics, blockbusters, indie favorites... you've seen most of them.
Your friends know to come to you whenever they need a few good DVD rental suggestions. Are You a Movie Buff?
Movies I like:
Blade Runner
Star Wars
Lord of the Rings
Bubblegum Crisis
Anything with Mel Gibson Anything with Toshiro Mifune
Anything with Jackie Chan
Any superhero movie


I don't watch TV. But here's some stuff I like:
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My Immortal
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Bubblegum Crisis Tokyo 2040 Trailer
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Blow me Away!
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Rammstein-Neon Evangelion Genesis
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Bladerunner: Tears in the rain
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You Should Be a Science Fiction Writer
Your ideas are very strange, and people often wonder what planet you're from.
And while you may have some problems being "normal," you'll have no problems writing sci-fi.
Whether it's epic films, important novels, or vivid comics...
Your own little universe could leave an important mark on the world! What Type of Writer Should You Be?
Books I like:
Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa
The Stone and the Flute by Hans Bemman
Les Miserables by Victor Hugo as translated by Norman Denny
Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
People Reading by Ernst G Beier
The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien
The Hobbit by JRR Tolkien
Anything by Larry Niven
Anything by Harry Harrison
Anything by Robert E Howard
Anything by Poul Anderson


You Are Batman
Billionaire playboy by day. Saving the world by night.
And you're not even a true superhero. Just someone with a lot of expensive toys! What Superhero Are You?
My heroes / role-models / people I admire:
The many cats I've known
Beast of X-Men
My Dad & my Gramps
My bro Kalar the Kurageous for being true to himself and his dreams and taking the road untraveled. May his band kick everyone's a$$! All us working stiffs gave up most of our dreams of childhood, but I'm proud to know one or two peeps that kept their dreams alive and actually lived them. Keep on rocking dude!
Miyamoto Musashi
My sensei Leo
The one and only J-remy G, long may he live
Mel Gibson, long may he reign
Amy Lee of Evanescence, may her voice last forever
Jack Black, long may he misbehave
Many more. Usually there's something heroic in everyone I meet.