Maddie McMadlib profile picture

Maddie McMadlib

I heart summer

About Me

My name is Madeline Adams and I'm a musician in Athens, Georgia. I was using this site to tell folks about what I've been doing music wise, but no more.
I have a Myspace Music Page now with new demos and all sorts of stuff.

check it out- it's also in my top 8

I've got new stuff coming out, new vinyl coming out, new tours happening and so on and so, befriend my music space. Soon I will erase all people from my friends that I don't really know.

My Interests

playing music either with my own stuff or with Nana Grizol. Making flyers at Kinkos. Coming up with dance moves. Listening to All Things Considered, BBC World News and Market Place while I cook and clean my kitchen. That last one is heaven to me.

I'd like to meet:

Parker Posey


Allen Vega, Paul Simon, Levon Helm (dirt farmer!), Neko Case, Tom Petty, Joanna Newsom, Sleater Kinney, Neutral Milk Hotel, The Magnetic Fields, Belle and Sebastian, Johnny Cash, Trio (Dolly Parton, Linda Rondstat, Emmy Lou Harris), Wilco, Elvis Costello......jeez. I'm going to stop there.


Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Raising Arizona, Boogie Nights, Night of the Living Dead as well as anything with a zombie in it


At the Y while I run on a rat wheel


I just read In Cold Blood and I feel a Capote kick coming on. Crime and Punishment. Middlesex. The World According to Garp.


Wonder Woman

My Blog

my eyes hurt from this damn screen!

oh, jeepers. so, I'm starting school in january and I figured that this is a good time to catch up with some online music work before my schedule gets to crazy. I've been feeling confused and left beh...
Posted by Maddie McMadlib on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:51:00 PST