Anagrams, Composition, Contrast, Dynamics, Form, Hue, Onomatopoeias, Palindromes, Perspective, Proportion, Rhythm, Saturation, Speculation, Spoonerisms, Style, Tempo, Theory, Tone
Who I'd like to greet.
The Appleseed Cast, Mute Math, Broken Social Scene, Xavier Rudd, Kaki King, The Mecury Program, Mark Farina, Mars Volta, Minus the Bear, Wolfmother, Jenniferever, Karate, Antarctica, Queens of the Stone Age, The Decemberists, Explosions in the Sky, Counterfit, Zepplin, Pink Floyd, Cat Stevens, Jimmy Eat World, Foo Fighters, Postal Service, Danny Elfman, Supreme Beef (most notably the album "Surrender to Tender.")
The Life Aquatic, Anchorman, Napoleon Dynamite, Garden State, Eternal Sunshine, Being John Malkovich, Adaptation, Memento, Moulin Rouge, Requiem for a Dream, The City of Lost Children, Donnie Darko, Rushmore, Royal Tennenbaums, Flight of the Navigator, The Princess Bride, Donald Duck in Math Land.
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. LOST. City of Men. The Office.
are for prisoners.
Dali, Nolan Ryan, The Starting Line of the 1976 Philidelphia Flyers, Eric White, Clayton Brothers, Mark Ryden, Jeff Soto, Zubon