Tudd, anything that could be considered neat by anyone neat. Video games, Dancing, All music except that really crappy pop country stuff that your mom listens to. Martial arts, though I have not been in any for awhile. Deep philosophical conversation. Fart jokes. Connecting from Downtown, and game winning tackles. Pron. Loving lamp and other ordinary household objects just because thats how much I have to give, lol. Also, Drama is pretty lame and believe it or not I try and avoid it at all costs. So please, try and help me keep my page a drama free environment. Thanks.
The King of all Tudds, JC and by that I mean Johnny Cash, Grandmaster flash, Pecan Pie, Sumner Redstone, Neal Armstong, Vincent Price, Chris Norris (age 35),Mista T, Face, Hannibel, and Hollywood. All my old dead relatives. Jesus. An honest woman :0 Buddha. Ghandi. George Herbert Walker Bush. Momma T. He-Man, Orko, and Battle-cat. And like 7 or 8 ninjas, un-named. Steven Hawkings(?), i have always wanted to wrap about time travel with a genius. Harriet Beecher Stowe (relative), and president Zachary Tayler
Badass poppin
Add to My Profile | More VideosElsewhere is my Hero, this kid is an alien...forreals.
Bug head Tudd and the monsters, The Faint, Goldfrapp, Sage, ODB/Big Baby Jesus, Wu-Tang, Tribe, E-40, T Monk, Miles Davis, Basically any Jazz actually, Mozart and the boyz, Snoop, Pac, I like too much to keep going. Recently: Cloud cult and Tv on the Radio are constantly in my CD tray.
Children Of Men (best movie I have seen in years), Raising Arizona (favorite movie), High Fidelity, Eternal Sunshine and the Spotless Mind, Citizen Cain(?), Metropolis, I will think of more as I can.
Dexter, Rome, Deadwood, Poker, and Cartoons. Heroes is a pretty good show too but, like life, what the hell is the point if there are no titties or swearing?
Daniel Quinn, LRN!! Steve King Old Japanese Guys!! Old Greek Guys.
Thomas Eugene Connor Norris (Father, Greatest Man that ever lived) Clifford Luvall Norris (his Father)