Deathlegion profile picture


Welcome to the Deathstorm Deathlegion

About Me

The Deathlegion is the mighty army of Deathstorm, which always heeds the call to arms sounded by the 5 Deathlords who command it. Our mission is to bring the world to its knees in the name of Deathstorm, who shall rule the world with their high powered heavy-metal genius!So take up thy blade! And hoist up thy banner! For we are the mighty Deathlegion, and in the faces of heretics we shall cry.........."JOIN US, OR DIE!!!"Spread the demonic word of Deathstorm.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who likes Deathstorm is automatically a member of the mighty Deathlegion. CHECK OUT DEATHSTORMS MYSPACE FOR MORE TUNES!!!