Life's little lessons.
kick ass individuals that are laid back, intelligent, funny, open-minded, interesting, artistic, et cetera, Sean Penn, JB & John Cusak.
My nephew Stone Kai the rock star drumming without a water drum. Instead he utilizes the little known dustpan and the brush broom.
My nephew Stone Kai gets his dance on (Stomp Dance) after Mid-Winter Ceremonies at the Onondaga Longhouse. He imitates what he's seen.
Just a taste of what I listen to is in the player above this, take a listen, browse if you dare!
The Cremaster series, any of the "Friday" movies, 28 Days Later, Lawn Dogs, all of Jim Jarmusch's films, the Coen Brother's films, Eraserhead, Wild at Heart, Buffalo 66, Army of Darkness, Gummo, Quills, Harold and Maude, Memento, Boondock Saints, Requiem for a Dream, Wes Anderson films, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Fight Club, Peter Greenaway films, Trees Lounge, Blade Runner, Brazil, Blue in the Face, Dancer in the Dark, any film directed by Sean Penn . . . and starring the more mature Sean Penn . . . Lost in Translation, Snatch, Doom Generation, Where the Buffalo Roam, Cool Hand Luke, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest . . . more
The Simpsons, Nip/Tuck, Discover Channel, Comedy Central, Mad TV, Food Network, American Choppers - go Mikey, Mammoth Lacrosse.
Mom, Cochise, Goyaale (without proper font), Natchez, Quanah Parker, Tatanka Iotanka, Crazy Horse, the Onondaga Nation and the Haudenosaunee Confederacy . NARF .