Dawn of the Dead profile picture

Dawn of the Dead

There's a bluebird in my heart

About Me

Flew south for the winter, lost my flock and never came back.....still finding out more shit everyday.

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

people that ask how your day was


In or around my CD player or Ipod...Arcade Fire, Blonde Redhead, Broadcast, Belle & Sebastian, Bright Eyes, Emily Haines, Butter 08, Cibo Matto, Cat Power, CSS, Camera Obscura, The Elected, Eliott Smith, Fiona Apple, The Gossip, The Innocence Mission, Johnny Cash, Jenny Lewis and the Watson Twins, Joanna Newsom, Le Tigre, Portishead, Mirah, Neko Case, Radiohead, Regina Specktor, Rilo Kiley, The Shins, Sparklehorse, Spain, The Unicorns, MF Doom, A Tribe Called Quest, Pat Benatar, Suzanne Vega, Tegan & Sara, Flaming Lips, Metric, Beck, The Rosebuds, Karen Ann, Soko, The Blow


Independent films, documentaries, foreign films...Welcome to the Dollhouse, Hurricaine Streets, Stand by Me, Shining, Amelie, Garden State, Basketball Diaries, Royal Tenenbaums, American Beauty, Reservoir Dogs, Donnie Darko, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Life Aquatic, Mean Creek, Motorcyle Diaries, Dangerous lives of Alter Boys, Usual Suspects, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, The Ice Storm, Killing Zoe, Imaginary Heroes, The Weatherman, Thumbsucker, Transamerica, Science of Sleep


Whatever can put me to sleep

My Blog

Fellow Re-located Uticans

If anyone misses the best things from Utica, I have recipes for  tomato pie and Hemstroughts half moon cookies (hopefully it is from the pre-bug infestation incident).  Anyway just email me ...
Posted by Dawn of the Dead on Mon, 03 Oct 2005 03:07:00 PST