Jane~Hellen profile picture


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About Me

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My Interests

Film, music, Elvis, art, cartoons, shoes, the color RED, cherrybombs and TOP 5 LISTS!


Mostly punk rock, 60's, rock and soul. My absolute fav bands are: Misfits, Ramones, The Clash, Morrisey, The eyeliners, Backstreet Girls...I'll be back with some more.


Absolutely love love movies!! Can't get enough. From the good old Fellini, Bertolucci, sergio Leone to David Lynch, Chan Wook-Park, Kar Wai Wong, Tarantino, Coens.. Independent films. Documentaries. Cinema Extraordinaire. SciFi.


Twin Peaks, Sopranos, Carnivale, The Family Guy, The Office, Alan Partridge. Sci Fi: Star Trek (Star Trek, Next generation & Enterprice), Firefly, Babylon5, Farscape, The New adventures of Wonder Woman.


WonderWoman, Camille Paglia, Simone De Beauvoir, Anais Nin.