Eljah profile picture



About Me

Hello and 93!
Hmm,... what I should writte about me? I can..t show you in a view words, who I am. And if it so, so you will never understand, who I am in real. So I tell you only a little bit of me. Perhaps you can ask me more questions and then you can realy known a little bit more my person.
I..m 31 years old. Since 6 years I..m together with Steffi, my girlfriend. She is the mother of my 13 month old son.
The most of my time I spend in working. Then I spend time with my little family. Late in the night, then Steffi and my son sleeps, I take time for me. For practis magical rituals, or bookreading, or just surving around the net, or be here, in Myspace to have some smaltalks (-chats) with some people.
Magick is really an importand part of me. Since I was 15 years old, I find it very excitingly to read about the theorie of differend magical phielosophies. In this early years I found the Liber OZ, as a perfect law for my way through my life.
(If you want to know, what it..s means to me, then ask me. It..s more different, as the satanists use it!)
This was the first contact to Crowley and the OTO. Then I..m get older, it would a real studie. The kabbalistic way I found out with 24 years. I feed my brain with all theories and pielosophies of the kabbala. But I don..t had any idea of the real magicpractis. And then I had a question, belong my studies about the tarot. I didn..t known, who could help me, so I asked on the source organisation, that public the Crowley Tarot, the OTO. Now I..m since 3 years a membre of this order.
But it..s not all about me! One of the famous parts in my life is to be Gothic! I love the style and the music, the dark (although I am light in my inside!). O.k., it make my society life a little bit difficulty, but I don..t want to give it up!
I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4

My Interests



Also simple interests like PC games, movies and music.

I'd like to meet:

I..m open for any exchange of ideas! "Every man and every woman is a star". So every world conception is acceptably, if it is well thought out. I like conservations about it. Because on this way I can find out, who the person realy is! You are, what you think!


My favorit band are: Marilyn Manson

London after Midnight

Sisters of Mercy



Das Ich

Silke Bischoff

Type 0 Negative



Depech Mode

and more!




Interview mit einem Vampir

Lord of the rings

Star Wars

Kingdom of heaven

and more Horrormovies, Phantasie...




There is more Magick in, as you know! And secret books of the bible like the Thomas Evangelium

Egyptian Magic

And More....


Aleister Crowley


John Dee

Agrippa von Nettesheim

Stephan Hawking

Marilyn Manson

Captain Jack Sparow