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Skip Jensen

New single out on Goodbye Boozy Records!

About Me

Some 7" are coming out soon too on different labels on Perpetrator Records and Bug House Records. Goodbye Boozy Records----------------- To buy the lp version of my 1st album "Abscond" go to: --------------- for the cd version: see other releases over the years: t.htm----------And more songs and infos, here: ----------------------------------------------------I'm going to Europe from the 16th of september to the 20th of october, I'll be recording with Seb Normal in Strasbourg and I'll play as many shows as I can!-------------------------------------------------------- ---------Skip Jensen (Scat Rag Boosters, Demon's Claws, etc.) is a well respected contributer to the rockin' garage scene in Montreal, known for his own unique brand of stripped down punky, blues soaked rock n' roll. This is Skip's one-man shebang, his first solo full length and without question his best stuff yet!!Skip started his recording career by forming the well-known Montreal garage rock trio Scat Rag Boosters with Edouard Larocque and Martin Dupras (see CD Baby for their scorching full length.) The band released a baker's dozen of vinyl 7"s on labels like Flying Bomb, Solid Sex Lovie Doll, Savage, Yakisakana and a host of others from Canada to France.Skip had also been recording himself at home for some years, but in 2001 while he was still releasing records with more established bands, he decided to start recording himself more seriously. He and fellow Booster Edouard Larocque had a couple of side projects going like the Stack O' Lees and the Wrong Doers but there were still a bunch of songs he had written that just didn't seem to fit in anywhere. And so, Skip Jensen was born...With a paint-stick taped to one foot, a tambourine to the other and a harmonica and guitar slung around his neck he proceeded to bash out and record some of the most original sounding tunes to be heard in a dog's age. Heavily influenced by the likes of Jesse Mae Hemphill, Doctor Ross and even Hasil Adkins the songs are a mish-mash of blues, punk, rockabilly, folk, bluegrass and rock n' roll. Flat out wailin' and stompin, riled up and volatile; these songs burn! A soul ripped out, soaked in gasoline then thrown on to barbeque to it's right degree of burntness.-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------Skip Jensen (membre des Scat Rag Boosters et des Demon's Claws pour ne nommer qu’eux) est reconnu pour sa contribution considérable à la scène « rock garage » de Montréal, au sein de laquelle il sut se démarquer par son style singulier fait de rock’n’ roll dépouillé, imbibé de blues et de punk déjanté. Le voici donc qui nous arrive avec tout son bataclan, fort de ce tout premier album entièrement solo, sans contredit son meilleur cru jusqu’à maintenant!!Skip fit débuta sa carrière sur disque en fondant le célèbre trio rock garage montréalais Scat Rag Boosters avec Édouard Larocque et Martin Dupras (découvrez-les sur leur CD Baby, incendiaire jusqu’à la dernière note). La formation réalisa toute une panoplie de 45 tours sous des étiquettes telles que Flying Bomb, Solid Sex Lovie Doll, Savage, Yakisakana et plusieurs autres, autant de la France que du Canada ou d’ailleurs.C’est en 2001, alors qu’il enregistrait encore des albums au sein de groupes bien établis, que Skip entreprit de s’enregistrer plus sérieusement en solo—l’ayant fait chez lui de façon plus rudimentaire depuis quelques années déjà. Pour lui et son ancien co-membre des Scat Rag Boosters, Édouard Larocque, divers projets prenaient forme en parallèle à ce moment-là, tels que les Stack O’Lees et les Wrong Doers; malgré tout, un bon lot de chansons écrites par Skip ne semblaient encore trouver de place nulle part. Et c’est ainsi que naquit Skip Jensen…Avec un maillet collé au ruban à un de ses pieds, un tambour basque à l’autre pied, un harmonica et une guitare pendus au cou, il parvint coup sur coup à enregistrer une série de chansons aux sonorités les plus originales jamais ouïes de mémoire de chien! Fortement influencées par les Jesse Mae Hemphill, Doctor Ross, voire même Hasil Adkins, ces chansons sont un joyeux métissage tout imbriqué de blues, de punk, de rockabilly, de folk, de bluegrass et de rock’n’roll. Gémissantes, piétinantes et battant à fond de train, exacerbantes et volatiles, ce sont des « tunes » qui chauffent! Une âme écorchée, trempée de gasoline et jetée sur le grill jusqu’à son point culminant de calcination.

My Interests


Member Since: 8/29/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: At least one, sometimes more.
Sounds Like: Les rainettes au printemps.
Record Label:
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Skip Jensen and Sebnormal playing Circling Around ...
Posted by Skip Jensen on Wed, 28 May 2008 04:41:00 PST

New singles out in 2008!

Hey, it's the month of may already. Three 7" are coming out this spring. First there's the one on Perpetrator Records out of New Zealand, it's called "Out on the Horizon". It's out now. Then&nbs...
Posted by Skip Jensen on Sun, 04 May 2008 01:33:00 PST

How to buy the Abscond cd

If you want to buy the first cd "Abscond", you can get it at this address:
Posted by Skip Jensen on Wed, 30 Apr 2008 02:23:00 PST


The two-man one man band by Andrew Payne   Imagine a rickety, beaten-down farmhouse in the 1920s. Amongst the golden sea of crops, a sun-wrinkled man is relaxing on his porch after a hard day's w...
Posted by Skip Jensen on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:59:00 PST


SKIP JENSEN w/ SEB NORMAL, Canadian Tour 2007 (Advance Copy of Upcoming LP) Recorded in Strasbourg, these 18 songs comprise a cycle that tells the tale of a tormented soul searching for meaning in an ...
Posted by Skip Jensen on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 01:37:00 PST